
Shadow Transformation

Shadow Transformation (Legendary)

Category: Major Power

Shadow Transformation Buff:
Gives a guaranteed amount of credits per quest entry, depending on the quest. 

"Individuals with this power are always known as elusive. Whether they can create wings out of the lack of light around them or cloak themselves - these beings can be rather sneaky..."

Possible Rewards:
Event Quests: 6
Jobs: 10
Guild Quests (Standard):  15
Guild Quests (Enhanced): 25
Non-Repeatable Quests:  45
How to use in a quest:

How to use in a quest: 
Artwork Suggestions: 

  • Showing part of their body turning into a shadow.
  • Drawing shadow limbs or wings appearing from their body to make them look scarier.
  • Showing them able to warp their surroundings into black shadows to help them on their journey.

Writing Suggestions: 

  • Mentioning that their shadow can morph into them, turning them into one themselves.
  • Talking about how other characters become afraid when they notice the character's shadow turning into something that can interact with their surroundings.
  • Perhaps a conversation with another character or pet explaining their shadow abilities and how they use them to help.
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