
Shadow Manipulation

Shadow Manipulation (Very Rare)

Category: Minor Power

Shadow Manipulation Buff:
Gives a guaranteed amount of credits per quest entry, depending on the quest.

"The ability to swirl darkness or shadows around their being, or cause shadows to change their shapes is a tricky one unless you have Shadow Manipulation."

Possible Rewards:
Event Quests: 3 
Jobs: 5
Guild Quests (Standard):  5
Guild Quests (Enhanced): 10
Non-Repeatable Quests:  20
How to use in quests:

How to use in a quest: 
Artwork Suggestions: 

  • Showing their shadow bending into a different form.
  • Having no shadow whilst everyone else does.
  • Having little shadow creatures follow them wherever they go.

Writing Suggestions: 

  • Mentioning that they bent the shadows in a way to scare someone.
  • Writing how they were able to use shadows to cloak themselves to sneak past a scene they caused.
  • Showing another character that they are able to turn shadows into pets.
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