
Leech Life

Leech Life (Very Rare)

Category: Minor Power
Kiamara Leech Life Buff:

10% chance this Kiamara's offspring will gain the Vampirism power regardless of whether either parent has the power.

+10 to all traits this Kiamara can pass on.

When used in an enhanced guild quest entry where this power is shown to be used, this Kiamara has a 5% chance of obtaining the Vampiric Power Capsule, unless they have the Light Holder buff.

Dromedairy Leech Life Buff:

10% chance this Dromedairy's offspring will gain the Vampirism power regardless of whether either parent has the power.

10% chance of the offspring obtaining the Drained Gene

+10 chance of offspring obtaining the Drained Gene if either parent has the gene.

When used in an enhanced guild quest entry where this power is shown to be used, this Dromedairy has a 5% chance of obtaining the Vampirc Power Capsule, unless they have the Light Holder buff.

"Syphoning life from other 'Maras and Droma, these beings rarely run out of energy! Those they leech life essence from, however, tend to feel a little drowsy."

Possible Rewards:
How to use in a quest:

How to use in a quest: 
Artwork Suggestions: 

  • Showing tendrils attaching one character to the other, with one feeling very well and the other looking drained.
  • Holding a perfectly healthy flower in one frame, then in the other it is withered.
  • Showing the character surrounded by dead flowers or plants, with a conversation mentioning that they are older than the oldest character in Solaria.

Writing Suggestions: 

  • Mentioning how they wear gloves in order to protect themselves from accidentally leeching life from someone.
  • Writing how if they are wounded, they are able to syphon part of someone's life essence to heal themselves.
  • Showing how they are able to rid weeds from the garden by leeching the energy from them, stopping them from growing.
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