Lampyre Tail (Seasonal)
This trait can be obtained during New Dawn between the 1st and 15th of January, though the way of obtaining this trait may vary yearly.
During New Dawn between the 1st and 15th of January, Kiamaras and Dromedairy that have this trait have a 100% pass rate of this trait to offspring.
All other times of year this trait will pass down at the same rate as 'Rare' traits.
All characters can only have x1 Seasonal trait active at a time and if you wish to apply another, you must remove the original.
Cannot be used on Alternate Forms and cannot be added by using Trait Stones.
Kiamaras that have this trait must have the following edit:
A tail that resembles a Lampyre's Tail.
The 'bulb' must glow and sparkle in the same colour it is coloured in. The bulb must also be shiny.
The fluff around the bulb must be segmented and can only be as long as the bulb itself.

(Click for larger view)
Tail /Fur Length traits, Tail Type traits, Glow traits, and sparkle traits do not affect this trait and cannot be used in conjunction with it. If you apply this trait to a Kiamara with one or more of these traits, they will be overwritten by this trait.
When used on a Dromedairy:
Grants any Dromedairy of any subtype to receive the following edits to their base subtype:
A tail that resembles a Lampyre's Tail.
The 'bulb' must glow and sparkle in the same colour it is coloured in. The bulb must also be shiny.
The fluff around the bulb must be segmented a
(Click for larger view)
This does not affect their colouration genes and all other traits present in the Dromedairy's Subtype must still be viewable.