

Illusionist (Legendary)

Category: Major Power
Kiamara Illusionist Buff:
70% chance of finding a Box of Illusion from any Guild or Event quest. 

10% chance of offspring obtaining a random Very Rare Trait that neither parent has. This is not classed as a mutation roll and does not count towards your mutation/mutato/mutato potion stack limit.

Dromedairy Illusionist Buff:
70% chance of finding a Box of Illusion from any Guild or Event quest. 

10% chance of offspring obtaining a random Very Rare Colouration Gene as either a dominant or recessive gene. If they already rolled a dominant Very Rare or lower gene, this will become recessive in favour of this new gene.

"Just like their Minor siblings, those with this Major ability tend to be able to pull off grand illusions. Even going so far as to affect another 'Maras perception." 

Possible Rewards:


How to use in a quest:

How to use in a quest: 
Artwork Suggestions: 

  • Being able to light up an entire room with the illusion of light
  • The background is in a completely different place just because they like how it looks compared to the place they are at.
  • Showing them making random buildings appear in the background that shouldn't be there.

Writing Suggestions: 

  • Mentioning them being able to talk to someone who is not from this realm, because they can imagine it.
  • Writing about how they can make their appearance change based on who they are talking to.
  • Showing how they can become an NPC just to get what they want. 
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