Gills (Rare)
Category: Body Modifications
Species: Kiamara
Kiamaras with this trait have gills.
These gills can only be placed on the neck unless used in conjunction with the Body Gills trait.
Cannot be used in conjunction with the Vents trait.
Declinable Examples:

this is a good example of the Gills trait as they are located on the neck. Alternatively they can also be seen on the throat area or the back of the neck.
Gills that are located on the Body or Tail would be Very rare, and would not be covered by this trait.
Body Gills (Very Rare)
Category: Body Modifications
Kiamaras with this trait have gills on their Body or Tail
These gills can NOT be placed on the legs, face, or other parts of a Kiamara besides the main torso or tail.
Cannot be used in conjunction with the Vents trait.
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