
Fog Manipulation

Fog Manipulation (Very Rare)

Category: Minor Power

Fog Manipulation Buff:
Guarantees an extra roll in all engineering guild quests.
If taking part in enhanced requirements, they will also guarantee a roll from the standard table in addition to the extra roll.

"Able to draw moisture from the atmosphere to appear around them, those who have Fog Manipulation can create beautiful landscapes or scary scenery."

How to use in a quest:

How to use in a quest: 
Artwork Suggestions: 

  • Low-hovering clouds following the Kiamara. 
  • Showing that their feet are surrounded by cloud-like masses. 
  • Showing the fog all around in the background.

Writing Suggestions: 

  • Mentioning the fog rolling in around them. 
  • Talking about how they could easily use the fog to hide their tracks. 
  • Letting the reader know that the fog was part of their plans. 
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