
Elemental Tufted

Elemental Tufted (Legendary)

Category: Fur Types
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have long elemental tufts added to their fur. This can be water/liquid*, fire, gas/smoke**, lightning etc.
This fur cannot be made of Blood, light, or Living Matter.
This trait can only be applied to Kiamaras with either the Tufted or Long fur traits.
The elemental tufts must still remain inside of the rarity bracket shown in the Fur Guides
Kiamaras with this trait can have the Elemental Tufts glow without needing an additional trait.
These elemental tufts cannot have sparkle or particles unless used in conjunction with a Sparkle trait. 

*Water/Liquid Elemental can cover most liquids such as cola, juice, syrup, beer, etc
**Fire or Gas/Smoke can be used to make whispy 'Ghost' or 'Spirit Fire' as long as it is not sentient

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