
Chaos Infusion

Chaos Infusion (Legendary)

Category: Major Power
Kiamara Chaos Infusion Buff:
Each offspring can have 2 standard mutations rolled for.

All offspring are able to have up to 7 mutatoes used instead of 5.

10% chance of obtaining a current minor power - this is randomised by the artist and can be one that either parent currently has if it was not rolled for.

Dromedairy Chaos Infusion Buff:
All offspring have a 30% chance of rolling for a Hybrid

All offspring have a 10% chance of obtaining any and all Colouration Genes as recessive traits in a breeding, regardless of whether either parent has said gene.

Breedings have a 40% chance of rolling for twins on a SWaC.

Breedings have a 25% chance of rolling for Triplets on a Guaranteed Twins slots.

"Fragmented. Beautiful. Creative. Disorderly. Chaos shall reign."

1 result found.