

Ashbringer (Very Rare)

Category: Minor Power

Ashbringer Buff:
Guarantees an extra roll on all Job and Event quests.

For event quests, the event quest must have a minimum requirement of at least 200 words/a bust mentioned in their requirements.

"Whilst most seeks to cause fire, those with this power take pride in the cinders that remain."

How to use in a quest:

How to use in a quest: 
Artwork Suggestions: 

  • Showing them having set everything on fire, they were then covered in thick ash.
  • Having ash drip from their hair, horns, paws, etc.
  • Showing the air around them being a thick smog of smoke and ash falling around them.

Writing Suggestions: 

  • Mentioning how when they feel a particular emotion, their hair tends to spark with ash falling around them.
  • Writing how they were able to turn something to ash with just a touch of their paws as if the object was on fire for a long time.
  • Showing that they could piece bits of ash from a document together to see what it said.
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