
Very Large

Very Large (Very Rare)

Category: Body Types
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait are around the size of an average Polar Bear.


Short-Legged (Very Rare)

Category: Body Types
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have very short legs, akin to those of a Corgi or Munchkin Cat. 
To see how short the legs of a Kiamara with this trait must be, check out the Short Legs Guide found in the lineset's folder here!


Long-Legged (Very Rare)

Category: Body Types
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have very long legs compared to that of an average Kiamara. These are more akin to Maned Wolves.
To see how short the legs of a Kiamara with this trait must be, check out the Short Legs Guide found in the lineset's folder here!

Very Small

Very Small (Very Rare)

Category: Body Types
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait are around the size of an average Chihuahua.

6-9 Spots

6-9 Spots (Very Rare)

Category: Spots
Species: Kiamara

This Kiamara only has 6-9 spots in total. 


Baldness (Very Rare)

Category: Hair
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have no hair.
This can affect either the head hair, the tail tuft, or both.
These Kiamaras must still have fur unless used in conjunction with the Furless trait. 

Colour Changing Hair

Colour Changing Hair (Very Rare)

Category: Hair
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have hair that can change colour at will.
This can be a different shade or an entirely new colour. There is no limit on how many different colours the hair can change into with this trait.
Kiamaras with either a Major or Minor power can have the Colour Changing Hair trait as part of their power, however, it can only be seen when their powers are in use and will not be passed in breedings.

Very Long Hair

Very Long Hair (Very Rare)

Category: Hair
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have very long hair than the average Kiamara. 
You can find out how long this hair type can be by checking out our Size Guides.

Lion's Mane

Lion's Mane (Very Rare)

Category: Hair
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have their manes all around the circumference of their neck, appearing more Lion-Like.
Can be used in conjunction with any Down-Back/Down-Tail/Head-To-Rump traits. 
Cannot be used in conjunction with the Hair Tuft trait.

Unacceptable Examples:

This example would not be accepted as there are parts of the mane near the head and the shoulder that could make it look more like the Very Long Fur trait mixed with the Hair Tuft trait, along with the overall linework not showing enough detail to be considered hair and looks more like fur texture-wise.  

Head-To-Tail Mane

Head-To-Tail Mane (Very Rare)

Category: Hair
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have a longer mane that extends from their head all the way to the tip of their tail. 
This mane can have small sections missing.
This can be used in conjunction with Hair Length traits. 


Furless (Very Rare)

Category: Fur Types
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have no fur anywhere on their bodies. 

Very Long Fur

Very Long Fur (Very Rare)

Category: Fur Types
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have very long fur. This fur is noticeably longer than their long-furred cousins. 
This length is noticeable and does not have to be spread evenly over the body. Must extend over the green zone on the Fur Guides and has no limit to length.

Length Guides

Here you can find a link to the new length guides for this trait. 
The minimum area this trait can go is longer than the green zone. We judge this based on where the longest piece of fur ends.

Rex Lines  - CS Lines - Old DA Lines - Last DA Lines

Bob Tail

Bob Tail (Very Rare)

Category: Tail Types
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have tails that are very short and bobbed. 
These tails can be compared to the likes of Rabbits, Hamsters, or Bobtail Cats. 

Y-Shaped Tail

Y-Shaped Tail (Very Rare)

Category: Tail Types
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have a tail that splits into two halfway down the tail, giving it the appearance of the letter Y. 
Both tail tufts are affected by any hair length trait applied to the kiamara. 
Must remain the common length unless used in conjunction with the Tail Length Variant trait.

Terrestrial Mammal Tail

Terrestrial Mammal Tail (Very Rare)

Category: Tail Types
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have tails that can resemble Terrestrial Mammals. 
These tails include those that belong to; dogs, cats, raccoons, foxes, mice, monkey, etc. 
Also include Kiamara tails with no tuft at the end. 

This trait allows for the fur on the tail to go up to 'Rare' in length to help better portray the animal it is based on, with anything longer needing the Very Long Fur trait to be applied to the Kiamara. 
Can be used in conjunction with the 'Tail Length Variant' trait to have the tail look longer or shorter.
Must not be short enough to confuse with the Bob Tail and Horse Tail traits.

Colour Changing Eyes

Colour Changing Eyes (Very Rare)

Category: Eye Types
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait are able to change their eye colour at will. This can be spontaneous or under certain circumstances.
There is no limit on how many different colours the marking can change into with this trait.
Kiamaras with either a Major or Minor power can have the colour-changing eye trait as part of their power, however, it can only be seen when their powers are in use,
This trait only affects colour.  

Oozing Eyes

Oozing Eyes (Very Rare)

Category: Eye Types
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have eyes that constantly ooze with a specific liquid. It is... unknown why this happens.
The ooze can be made of anything except blood or water.

Glowing Eyes

Glowing Eyes (Very Rare)

Category: Eye Types
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have eyes that leave behind a trail of light or static glow that is usually the same as the colour of the eyes.
Kiamaras with either a Major or Minor power can have the Glowing Eyes trait as part of their power, however, it can only be seen when their powers are in use and will not be passed in breedings.
Glow cannot have any sparkles or particles and must be just pure light or darkness.
This trait can be used in conjunction with any of the Sparkle traits.

Possible Examples:
If used on its own:

If used in conjunction with any of the Sparkle traits:

Click one of the above examples to go to the trait you would need in addition to obtain the looks above. 

Void Eyes

Void Eyes (Very Rare)

Category: Eye Types
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait only have an iris present with no sclera or pupil to be seen, giving them an appearance of a void. 
This trait can be used in conjunction with the Heterochromia trait. 

Possible Examples:
If used on its own:

If used in conjunction with the Heterochromia trait:

Click one of the above examples to go to the trait you would need in addition to obtain the looks above. 

Unique Ears

Unique Ears (Very Rare)

Category: Ear Types
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have ears that do not resemble that of any living creature. 
This trait only applies to the shape and any size, fluffier, flopped, etc, types of ears will need to be used in conjunction with the appropriate traits.
These can be any shape desired and can even be asymmetrical if you wish.
Can be used in conjunction with size traits.

47 results found.