This Little clownfish loves nothing more than to swim around in the sky, floating on a bed of bubbles. We are unsure how these bubbles stay around for so long or how they are produced, however, they are extremely durable and don't pop on touch.
"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!"
Alex's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.
Whilst this pet is now unavailable, please check out the charity and consider donating to this great cause!
Algae seems to have taken the form of a Snekolotl, and a rather bright one at that! It's said that the colouration is so rare, that they are often thought of as being extinct or forgotten about.
"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!"
Algae's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.
A happy-go-lucky dregonian mimic who adores Affinity Faire so much they are usually seen hoarding Heart Candies wherever they go. They don't eat them and they also don't use them, except to put them in a pile to show off how many they have. They absolutely adore the scent of the chalk-like candy and are attracted to it like a bee to pollen. Whilst they love Affinity Faire, they are very hard to find out and about in Solaria at that time and many believe that finding Amaras during Affinity Faire is a sign of good luck and new love.
"Loves me, loves me not."
Amaras' Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.
Whilst this clownfish seems to have lost most of its colour, its rainbow stripe glows proudly even at the lowest of depths! The bubbles underneath act similarly to Alex's and are incredibly durable, however whenever there is a rainbow about they seem to multiply rapidly.
"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!"
Ander's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.
Whilst this pet is now unavailable, please check out the charity and consider donating to this great cause!
Archivist Micro Mimic
Back in the day, this Kia was the one to help keep an eye on all other Kias to ensure they weren't in danger, and if they needed any help they would be at their side. They would often write down all the information about the Kias they helped in large tomes to place in their vast library, just in case they ever needed help again in future. Not this exact mimic, though, as this one seems to be a reflection of what used to be known as The Archivist back in the day and has taken the form of a Microkiamara to better fit in with the world they have found themselves in.
"A reflection of the past."
Archivist Micro Mimic's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.
Baby is a little kitty cat that has rather strange patterns on them. Whilst they are very friendly, they never let anyone touch the diamond shaped on their body, so no one knows if they are paint, part of their coat, or something else entirely! Especially as they seem to glow in the dark...
"They're so FLOOFY"
Baby's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.
This loaf-able corgi tends to always wiggle it's butt whenever it sees someone, hoping to get head scratches whenever possible. They always smell like a freshly-baked loaf of bread and is often the pet of choice for bakers all around Solaria. Whilst they often get mistaken for bread if they sleep in the wrong spots, they would never hold it against you if you attempted to take a little bite, they'd simply wag their tail happily from all the attention you'd give to them! Loves nothing more than to eat butter.
"I loaf him!"
Baguette's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.
Balloon Boy
This orboros mimic is different from others. Whilst orboros and usually other orboros mimics don't have a mouth, this one does. Whilst... unnerving, this little one is always seen smiling and usually acting kid-like to cheer others up.
"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!"
Balloon Boy's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest
This little critter has quite the reputation for its knack for leaving a trail of sour sugar wherever it scampers. It's almost like it's offering you a trail of breadcrumbs, though in this case, it's more like a trail of tangy temptation. Bitter is surprisingly elusive as its lightning-quick reflexes and ability to scurry away in the blink of an eye make it a real challenge to catch. If you're on the hunt for Bitter, keep your nose open for the sweet scent of bubblegum in the air. This distinctive aroma is often your best clue that this little mischief-maker is nearby.
"Time to go hunt one of these down!"
Bitter's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.
Black Bird
After Jackdaw went missing, it appeared a new bird had made its way into the world of Solaria. Though rare, these black birds were named Jackdaws by Sal to mark the strange disappearance, though they are yet to get a real species name within Solaria.
"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!"
Black Bird's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.
Blewit is a rather tired Fungi, who is often seen drifting asleep underneath the large red trees in the Wrathion Woods. Very lazy, but a very good listener.
"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!"
Blewit's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest
It seems this Lampyre took his affection for your Solarian Map too seriously. Has a dislike for thieving foxes. This subspecies of Lampyre's is incredibly rare.
"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!"
Boot's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.
Brie is the type of Dregonian that you can smell before you see and, unfortunately for those with a more sensitive nose, they let off a more pungent smell than Cheese does. Brie and Cheese get along quite well, though this duo are often kept apart if they are together for even a few minutes it would be enough to cause anyone in a mile radius to run away. Unless you work as a cheesemonger, then it isn't good for business to keep them around.
"Gosh I can probably smell them from the other side of a rift!"
Brie's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.
Bubblegum is often a Kit or Calves favourite flavour. What is bubblegum flavour, you ask? Well, who knows? This critter was one of the characters found within another story from the Tales of the Coalescence, being a guide to a young Calf on their journey through the Cerulean Forest.
"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!"
Bubblegum's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.
Chanterelle is a little mushroom friend who can communicate through a sequence of sniffles and snuffles. Whilst they prefer hopping around from one place to another, they sometimes will accept a lift by a kind person or beat should they offer it. Though beware, this fiery fungus loves Firecracker Fruit Cheese Poppers so if you do take them on a journey after they have eaten them, they may become incredibly energetic
"Woah! Look at this little shroom-shaped friend!"
Chanterelle's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.
Whilst this Lampyre looks, and smells, like coal, they are far from the worst thing you can receive during Wintersong as a surprise around the campfire. Mischevious is one word to describe Char, who likes nothing more than to cause minor inconveniences to those around them. Whether they mean to cause chaos or not, it's unknown, but one will often stay away from someone who has Char as a companion so they don't accidentally get roped into any of their shenanigans. Will literally do anything to get a marshmallow, however.
"Reminds me of the end of a celebration! Smells lovely."
Char's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.