
<a href="" class="display-item">Butter</a>



Butter is a strange little squash that seems to carry the sweet, smooth scent of butter wherever he goes. Always seen with a smile regardless of what others may carve into him, he is often called free and easy with how little he cares about the woes of life. He is, after all, a gourdling, and they often are the happiest of pets to have in Solaria. Butter's best friend is Shelly, another gourdling who is always following him around. Butter always has to go slower around them due to how slow they move from place to place, but he thinks they are worth it!

"Smells so lovely and buttery!" 

Butter's Ability:
Grants one of the following vegetables when used in the quest "Living Off the Land" in the Chefs Guild only. 


Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Flora</a>



Flora seems to be a Gourdling made from a Daisy Gourd! They tend to always be seen twirling around, especially in the Autumn sun. Makes soft mewing noises.

"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!"

Flora's Ability:
Grants 1 of the following when used in the quest "Living Off the Land" in the Chefs Guild:


Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Mash</a>



Mash seems to be a sentient Dancing gourd that loves nothing better to do than to boogie the night away. Always on the move and full of energy, this little pumpkin pal will be your best friend through thick and thin. They can often be seen spinning around and around, and around at parties, often entertaining the younglings by copying the dance moves they ask them to do. When shocked, the 'lid' of their gourd body will jump up in surprise, only for a second. This does not hurt Mash.

"Because your friends don't like to dance, and if they don't dance well, they're no friends of mine." 

Mash's Ability:

Can drop the following when used in the quest 'Living Off The Land' in the Chefs Guild:

Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Shelly</a>



Shelly is a very slow gourdling who often finds snails and slugs are faster than them. Even in a rush, they often can only move about one meter every thirty minutes. Those who own these pets usually hold them in bags or in hoods their clothes have to help them get from place to place. Shelly's best friend is Butter. They absolutely love the smell of butter, and even if Shelly is slow to get around the smell is easy to follow. That means they are always right on their tail, even if Butter speeds off before they get the chance to give chase. 

"Okay, but what if we all have a shelly that's destiny is to touch us..?" 

Shelly's Ability:
Grants one of the following vegetables when used in the quest "Living Off the Land" in the Chefs Guild only. 


Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Squash</a>



Squash seems to be made from a Crookneck Squash and tends to love the water. Loves to play with ducks and geese, often letting out quacking noises.

"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!"  

Squash's Ability:
Grants 1 of the following when used in the quest "Living Off the Land" in the Chefs Guild:


Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Sunny</a>



Sunny, who seems to have been created from a Red Kuri squash, is a top-heavy friend who can control Sunflower Seeds! Though they can't use this power for bad or good, it is perfect to help them feed themselves with the seeds when they are feeling especially lazy.

"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!"  

Sunny's Ability:
Grants 1 of the following when used in the quest "Living Off the Land" in the Chefs Guild:


Obtainable From:
6 results found.