Cerulean Corakeet
Cerulean Grunnling
Chanterelle is a little mushroom friend who can communicate through a sequence of sniffles and snuffles. Whilst they prefer hopping around from one place to another, they sometimes will accept a lift by a kind person or beat should they offer it. Though beware, this fiery fungus loves Firecracker Fruit Cheese Poppers so if you do take them on a journey after they have eaten them, they may become incredibly energetic
"Woah! Look at this little shroom-shaped friend!"
Chanterelle's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.
Whilst this Lampyre looks, and smells, like coal, they are far from the worst thing you can receive during Wintersong as a surprise around the campfire. Mischevious is one word to describe Char, who likes nothing more than to cause minor inconveniences to those around them. Whether they mean to cause chaos or not, it's unknown, but one will often stay away from someone who has Char as a companion so they don't accidentally get roped into any of their shenanigans. Will literally do anything to get a marshmallow, however.
"Reminds me of the end of a celebration! Smells lovely."
Char's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.
Just as their name suggests; Cheese looks, and smells, like cheese. Unfortunately for this little Dregonian, this means other dregs usually confuse them for their favourite snack and end up accidentally trying to take a bite. Because of this, Cheese will often wear perfume in an attempt to hide the scent that always lingers behind him. Unfortunately, this only makes the scent go from an out-of-date cheese to smelling like a rotten egg. To those who have lost the ability to smell, they will end up being their best friend because under all of the stink, they give off lays a heart of gold.
"Oh man, that is one smelly Dregonian! They smell like a Stiltonberry...Yuk!"
Cheese Golem
A large beast that you can smell before you see. Is a big baby and just wants to make people happy. Absolutely will share cheese with anyone.
"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!"
Cheese Golem's Ability:
Guarantees to grant you 1 Bleu Cheese from any quest.
Chiffon, the tastiest-looking dragon to ever walk on Solaria, always appears around August time. This critter makes a pilgrimage every year starting in Crestport, going to Newport, and all around Solaria until they reach Blightfall. There, at the base of the ruin, they will slumber once more for another year. Most seem to believe the creature time-travels to the next year as those who watch the critter finish their pilgrimage will notice it disappear within a blink of an eye and re-appear in the same pose and spot the following year. Everywhere they go, they can conjure cake for those who simply bless it for the following year.
"A mysterious dragon that hands out cake once a year? Ooooo this is going to be awesome!"
Chiffon's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.

This pet was obtainable from pledging to our patreon in August 2023
Currently Unavailable
Chipper, unlike the name suggests, is rather lost and lonesome in this world. Since following their flock through a rift into Solaria, this strangeling has always looked to find another place to truly call home. Whilst they may be alone, they aren't down or upset about not finding their way to a new 'home', but rather incredibly hopeful. Any time they find a 'Mara or a Droma that may want to take them home, they get attached and excited. Maybe they'll find their home amongst the inhabitants of Solaria one day.
"I'll give him a home, happily!"
Chocolate Bubs Bunny
Bubs is a rather strange looking bun. Not only are they made of what appears to be living chocolate, both melting every now and then when left out in the sun and smelling rather delicious, but they also do not look like any chocolate usually seen in Solaria. It is often thought that this chocolate bunny may have been the idea of a child that decided to mix a lot of food colourings together before casting this wonderfully bright pet. Now, these hard-to-find friends tend to be out and about through Solaria, though their colours end up causing them to blend in quite well to the environment. Surprisingly.
"I'm not sure what chocolate this is, but I wouldn't eat it if I were you!"
Bub's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.
Choux is Rose's mischievous little Bun who loves nothing more than to cause chaos wherever he goes. This little Choux is no different, being one of Rose's best-selling recipes for pranksters and younger kits and calves that like to cause a bit of mayhem. Now you can have your very own if you like chillies in your food
"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!"
Chromatic Feather Fae
This feather fae is rather odd compared to its other fae friends. Unlike the others which can be brought to life simply by combining some feathers with a Mana Soul of some sort, this one was made by everyone's favourite scammer: Sal. And, unfortunately-but-unsurprisingly, he isn't sharing how he made them. From what we can tell, a lot of feathers and mana souls were needed to create this creature, and they can be used on any sort of Feather Offering quest... What is Sal up to?
"What a wonderful rainbow creature!"
Chromatic Feather Fae's Ability:
Grants the following additional table roll on any Feather Offering quests, even if the character has a 'Fae Repelant' debuff:

Chromie's fur tends to shine brightly in the sunlight wherever they are, no matter what the weather. As long as it's between the hours of 6am and 6pm on any day, their fur glistens brightly, only dulling after the evening turns to night time. Offspring of Opal and The Vullaby of Pride.
"Such a bright colourful Vullaby!"
Chromie's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.
Designed by Aychemex
Cinnamon Toast
And that's why I loooooooove, Cinnamon Toast Crunch!
"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!"
Cinnamon Toast's Ability:
Chance to obtain the following from any quests found in the Chefs Guild only:
After you have fed and nurtured your wonderful little Zapling for long enough, they have the chance to grow into one of these wonderful pets; the Circuitree! Once a seedling, this pet has become a magnificent plant that will happily bask in the sunshine whenever possible. Like its previous form, Circuitrees can bounce from place to place, never staying still for long. Often, Circuitrees forget how big of a creature they are and end up being quite clumsy in larger crowds. They are a great pet for first-time pet owners, especially since they are a little more independent than Zaplings. After a while of exploring Solaria, they will become Laburner.
"Wait wait, how did something so small grow into something so tall?"