This little sprite looks very similar to the Mana Souls that you can find all around Solaria, however, this creature can usually only be found in the deepest and darkest areas of the Cerulean Forest. Many tend to give this creature a bad reputation due to a story that the Phoenix told about a little blue sprite that would lure travellers off their path to their doom, however, Willow is the opposite. They live in the darkest part of the Cerulean Forest in case any lost wanderer walks too far in, often going over to them and helping to lead them out again. Usually, if the traveller is kind and caring, they will even travel with them for a while to make sure they don't get stuck in any other sticky situations.
"Willow is so helpful!"
Willow's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.
It was once said that those who saw an Owl fly above the snow-piled peaks of Talinokk were to worry that the weather would be warm come spring, bringing forth a flood of melting ice upon the village and was seen as an omen of bad luck. Whilst this tale of old was just a tale, this little owl has caused quite a lot of chaos to the superstitious few that still lived in the village as Winnie loved nothing more than to soar through the mountain peaks and feel the cool air between her feathers. When she got too cold, she would end up huddled by a campfire, often falling asleep after the flames turned to cinders.
"My Grannie always would talk about this owl. Little rascal, all because she loves flying?!"
Winnie's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.
A beautiful little bunny that seems to be a callback of the rabbits that helped Sol during the tale of Sol and The Serpent. This creature, however, actually isn't purple. The creature is cream, naturally dying its fur with a layer of purple pollen, collected by the various flowers in the forest. Strangely, even though these critters had been around since before the Rift opened, it's only since that Manahunters have been able to observe that not all of the fur of these little thumping friends hold onto the pigment, as they often have various swirling patterns left after bathing in the stuff.
"It's like a fingerprint; every swirling pattern is unique!"
Wisteria's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.
Youngling Cinnabar
Cinnabar is a feisty Manitodon that seemingly likes the taste of Firecracker Fruit. Maybe they enjoy a little bit of spice in their life?
"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!"
Youngling Cinnabar's Ability:
Once used 10 times in accepted quest entries, this pet will transform into an Elder Cinnabar.
As long as the 10 quests are accepted, a member of staff will remove the Youngling variation and replace it with the Elder version for you to use.
Youngling Freya
Freya tends to be quite unpredictable, often going from loveable to standoffish in a matter of moments. But this pet, should you take the time to get to know them, will be a loving companion for their entire life.
"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!"
Youngling Freya's Ability:
Once used 10 times in accepted quest entries, this pet will transform into an Elder Freya.
As long as the 10 quests are accepted, a member of staff will remove the Youngling variation and replace it with the Elder version for you to use.
Youngling Girasol
This Manitodon was one of the first revived from DNA from a fossil found in Solaria. With the help of the Rift Jumpers, this species was revived with Girasol being one of the first!
"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!"
Youngling Girasol's Ability:
Once used 10 times in accepted quest entries, this pet will transform into an Elder Girasol.
As long as the 10 quests are accepted, a member of staff will remove the Youngling variation and replace it with the Elder version for you to use.
Youngling Moss
Moss is a rather shy Manitodon, often being found in caverns and caves surrounding Solaria. It's said they can also be found in the depths of Lower City, often eating stolen Applens whilst letting out a happy chirp.
"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!"
Youngling Moss's Ability:
Once used 10 times in accepted quest entries, this pet will transform into an Elder Moss.
As long as the 10 quests are accepted, a member of staff will remove the Youngling variation and replace it with the Elder version for you to use.
Youngling Slate
A wonderfully friendly little Manitodon that always seems to be wagging its tail.
"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!"
Youngling Slate's Ability:
Once used 10 times in accepted quest entries, this pet will transform into an Elder Slate.
As long as the 10 quests are accepted, a member of staff will remove the Youngling variation and replace it with the Elder version for you to use.
One of Tomas' first-ever creations: the Zapling. These little seed-like critters have started to pop up all over Solaria, especially in the home of Serah who is obsessed with these pets. Tomas wanted to create these little guys to see if he could replicate how plants can grow from seeds. Luckily for him, it was a success and the Zapling was created! If you love this Zapling enough, feed and nurture it, and it will eventually grow into a Circuitree! This Zapling is modelled after one of the first that Toma made.
"It's like a small seedling sprouted out of an old box full of salvaging scrap! Cutie."