
<a href="" class="display-item">Sakura</a>



This little Snekolotl is a beautiful pale pink colour, and an incredibly rare find in Solaria! They tend to only be found in captivity, though if released in the wild can thrive since Snekolotls tend to be near the top of the food chain!

"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!" 

Sakura's Ability:
Grants one of the following from any quest:

Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Sakura Plush Bear</a>

Sakura Plush Bear


This bear is apparently sentient, though not many have been lucky enough to see it move. More often than not, the most proof of this critter 'moving' would be when its owner comes back to find some stuffing surrounding the bear but no evidence that they have moved position or even changed in any other way. Even the stuffing that is permanently hanging from its patchwork exterior is in the same place as when it was left... How strange. This plush bear has the gentle scent of Sakura.

"It's such a cute bear! I wonder if I could fix it?" 

Sakura Plush Bear's Ability:
Grants one of the following when used in any quest:


Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Scare Crow</a>

Scare Crow


Scare Crow seems to be a little patchwork bird who loves nothing more than to befriend people in fields. He is often confused as to why his other hay friends tend to not respond to him. Best friends with Clown Fish.

"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!" 

Scare Crow's Ability:
Grants one of the following from any guild quest:

Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Scaredy Kit</a>

Scaredy Kit


Scaredy Kit is a rather timid little kitten that takes a while to get out of its shell and trust the one who wishes to have them as a companion. Whilst this task is usually daunting for newer cat owners, those experienced know that slow and steady usually wins the race, which is exactly what this little one needs before they warm up to you. Once they do, you'll get to see that all they want to do is play with balls of yarn and daydream about catching little fish by the side of a pond in the middle of spring. They will always accept pets and treats but don't like being awoken from their sleep.

"Look at those big eyes!" 

Scaredy Kit's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.

Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Scramble</a>



Scramble is a small snake that tends to live in a log pile house deep in the heart of the Cerulean Forest. They usually end up slithering around as snakes do; looking for food, finding food, sleeping, waking up and repeating. That was, until, a little Rettis called Remmit came by his house one sunny afternoon. Whilst Scramble did eye them up for a bite to eat, Remmit told him they were needing to meet up with a much bigger and scarier creature... A Boofalog. A creature that just by the description alone helped the little Rettis go by without warning. 

"Wait, a Boofalog? There's no such thing..."

Scramble's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.

Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Sealie</a>



What a cute little bunny!

"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!" 

Sealie's Ability:
Has a 30% chance to drop 1 Super Summer Slam event currency from Super Summer Slam event quests.

Obtainable From:
Currently Unobtainable
<a href="" class="display-item">Seems</a>



Seems is the resident Sun-Cookie snatcher who is a menace to Gus! Though, just because he is a mischievous wannabe thief doesn't mean he is a total softie. He just wants to be tucked into bed, cuddled, and loves wearing different jumpers!

"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!" 

Seem's Ability:
Grants the user 2 event tokens of the active event, expect New Dawn, on every quest.
Grants the user 4 event tokens on every quest during New Dawn.

Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Seemsaren</a>



This Dregonian seems to be coloured the same as the Seems pet! What a cutie pie!

"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!" 

Seemsaren's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.

Obtainable From:
Owned by TestSubject000
<a href="" class="display-item">Selkie</a>



This Dregonian seems to be half... seal? I had heard of stories of Selkies from myths and legends beyond the rift; never did I ever expect to see one on our plain. It seems this Selkie loves to swim in the water but has only been seen during full moons.

"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!"

Selkie's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.

<a href="" class="display-item">Sentient Sun Cookie</a>

Sentient Sun Cookie


This little sun cookie was made when someone opened a biscuit tin to find that a little Mana Soul must have hopped inside while baking! They can talk, and fly, but do not like to be nibbled

"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!" 

Sentient Sun Cookie's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.

Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Shelly</a>



Shelly is a very slow gourdling who often finds snails and slugs are faster than them. Even in a rush, they often can only move about one meter every thirty minutes. Those who own these pets usually hold them in bags or in hoods their clothes have to help them get from place to place. Shelly's best friend is Butter. They absolutely love the smell of butter, and even if Shelly is slow to get around the smell is easy to follow. That means they are always right on their tail, even if Butter speeds off before they get the chance to give chase. 

"Okay, but what if we all have a shelly that's destiny is to touch us..?" 

Shelly's Ability:
Grants one of the following vegetables when used in the quest "Living Off the Land" in the Chefs Guild only. 


Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Simon</a>



Simon is quite the chatty Lampyre, earning him the nickname 'Songbird' among his peers. He's not shy about expressing himself, often filling the air with his melodious, high-pitched chirps. However, there is a secret to quieting this vocal fellow down: poetry. Simon has a soft spot for poetry and is known to become entranced when someone recites verses. He doesn't mind if it's a new piece or one he has heard hundreds of times before; he simply enjoys it. His non-stop chirping transforms into a hushed fascination as he listens intently, absorbing every word that reaches his ears. If you ever need a quiet moment with Simon, just start sharing poetry, and you'll have his silent attention.

"I wonder if Simon could talk, what type of poetry would he make?" 

Simon's Ability:
Chance of obtaining the following on Feather Hunts only:


Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Sinister Sheep</a>

Sinister Sheep


This sinister sheep doesn't look like a little trickster, but they love to play pranks on people. Often or not, when someone goes searching for something, it will instead grant you something else! Those who take this critter with them during their Spring Cleaning quests will find that if they do the standard, they may find something from the quests' enhanced rewards, or vice versa...

"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!"  

Sinister Sheep's Ability:
When used in the quest 'Spring Cleaning' in the Pandrean Library, you have a 25% chance of rolling one of the following loot tables depending on whether your entry is Standard or Enhanced:

If used in standard:

25% chance of rolling one of the following items:


If used in Enhanced:

25% chance of rolling one of the following items:


Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Sir Coffeebean</a>

Sir Coffeebean


A sentient coffee mug that seems to only appear when their owner needs it the most; which seems to be always! Happy to help give anyone the boost they need in the morning.

"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!" 

Sir Coffeebean's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.

Obtainable From:
Owned by BullHighlander
<a href="" class="display-item">Sir Tato</a>

Sir Tato


It's a potato... with googly eyes... that's golden... What an amazing little pet!

"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!" 

Sir Tato's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.

Obtainable From:
Owned by ThePaintedKitsune
<a href="" class="display-item">Skittle</a>



Skittle is a frantic Lampyre who can just never sit still no matter what they are up to. They have to be working on anything and everything at once, otherwise, they'd get bored pretty quickly. They often take on more than they can do, but luckily for them 'burnout' isn't a thing for this Lampyre! Still, they should probably take a break to make sure they are staying healthy. This Lampyre even evades sleep if it gets in the way of finishing a project they are working on.

"Seems like they could use a bit of self-care!" 

Skittle's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.

Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Slim</a>



This naughty little scavenger will find any scraps you leave behind and eat them regardless of whether it's edible or not.

"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!" 

Slim's Ability:
Guaranteed to drop a Trash Bag from all quests

Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Slime</a>



Many say he has many alter egos...

"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!" 

Slime's Ability:
Chance to obtain the following from any quests found in the Chefs Guild only:

Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Slowgo</a>



Slowgo is a rather pretty-looking snail that has a snazzy shell made of copper. Whilst being double the size of a regular 'maras paw, you shouldn't be afraid of this little fella as all they want to do is have someone shine their shell and feed them Elf-Ears. Plus, if you were scared of them, they would just retract into their shell until you left to make sure you were comfortable!

"What a cute little snail." 

Slowgo's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.

Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Smores</a>



To stumble across this little Strangeling isn't a figurative way of saying you met them. You will stumble in their direction should you see them. Just the once, and the reason is unknown. Most believe it could be to due how Smores is an incredibly clumsy Strangeling, often bumping into things and falling over its own feet. Smores likes to believe it can help you with any issue, but unfortunately, they almost always end up making a situation worse rather than better.

"At least they're trying their best!" 

Smores' Ability:
Has the chance of obtaining the following from any quest except the quest "Gearing Up"


Obtainable From:
430 results found.