
<a href="" class="display-item">Oberon</a>



Oberon can usually be found scoffing his cheeks with wonderful ice cream! Probably best to keep him away from any Bubblegum mimics...

"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!" 

Oberon's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.

Obtainable From:

 Designed by Klyse

<a href="" class="display-item">Odyssey - Vol. I</a>

Odyssey - Vol. I


Whether you accidentally found your way through one of the various rifts that were popping up here and there, or you are a Solarian native, it's no surprise that you may be feeling a bit discombobulated since the Calamity. With everything being so strange and the Manahunters no closer to finding a way to fix this, it's always good to keep notes on how you are doing and how you got to where you are right now. The memories leading to you ending up in Solaria post-calamity has been recorded on this pet's pages, and it will happily float around you whenever you need to remind yourself how you got there.

"Grandpa’ always taught me that if you ever feel a bit confused or even a little bit lost, trying to retrace your steps can help!" 

Odyssey - Vol. I's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.

Obtainable From:

Your Odyssey: Chapter 1
<a href="" class="display-item">Odyssey - Vol. II</a>

Odyssey - Vol. II


After retracing your steps, it's always good to find your footing when a big event such as the Calamity happens. This book is a recollection of those moments after the rifts began to open, with each page detailing its owner's journey as they wandered around regardless of if they were a Solarian Native or a Rift Jumper themselves. These pages will change depending on who it claims as its owner and usually go for the most intriguing of stories from after the Calamity.

"I wonder what Serah's truly says about her days after the rifts opened..." 

Odyssey - Vol. II's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.

<a href="" class="display-item">Odyssey - Vol. III</a>

Odyssey - Vol. III


The Story Continues...

"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!" 

Odyssey - Vol. III's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.

Obtainable From:

Your Odyssey: Chapter 3
<a href="" class="display-item">Odyssey - Vol. IV</a>

Odyssey - Vol. IV


The Story Ends... For now...

"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!" 

Odyssey - Vol. IV's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.

Obtainable From:

Odyssey Chapter 4
Guaranteed Drop

<a href="" class="display-item">Odyssey: Book Ⅰ</a>

Odyssey: Book Ⅰ


Given to those who have finished their first Odyssey Book! What, did you think that was it? There's still more of your journey to unfold!

"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!" 

Odyssey: Book I's Ability:
Can drop the following when used in any quest:

Obtainable From:

Your Odyssey: Chapter IV
<a href="" class="display-item">Oisin</a>



Oisin is the middle sibling of his littermates, only slightly larger than Teenie in size. Oisin can often be found in Blightfall, often using the power of his Staff of Sparks to help summon storms in hopes of bringing more vibrancy and flora to the lands. Whilst his goal has been unsuccessful so far, Oisin will try to obtain his goal to help bring more profits to the 'Mara and Droma who live on these lands and treat him like a friend whenever they see him trotting around. He had grown quite attached to most of the inhabitants due to this, leaving them presents of cheese or dried fruits on their doorsteps if he learned they were ill or upset. 

"It's so sweet he cares so much for those people!"  

Teenie's Ability:
Chance of obtaining the following:


Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Ollie</a>



Ollie is very much the epitome of a bookworm, loving nothing more than to read new adventures or learn something new. Always hanging out in the Pandrean Library with his beak in a book, there's rarely a novel or poem he hasn't read yet. He is also very happy to share his opinions on books and is thinking of opening a book club for others to join in. Because of this, he often finds book tokens wherever he goes, often handing them out to 'Maras or Dromas to help them in their pursuit of knowledge at the local library.

"This is one helpful little owl!" 

Ollie's Ability:

Can drop the following when used in a non-event quest:

Obtainable From:

This pet is soulbound and cannot be traded

<a href="" class="display-item">Omelet</a>



Omelete is a small frog who enjoys nothing more than taking long, warm baths and tending to their little herb garden! Always loves joining in on an adventure to find some new spices to grow.

"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!" 

Omelet's Ability:
Chance to drop the following from any current event quest:

Obtainable From:

Art and Design by ThePaintedKitsune

<a href="" class="display-item">Onion</a>



Those who try to pet Onion tend to have tears in their eyes due to their cuteness!

"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!" 

Onion's Ability:
Chance to obtain the following from any quests found in the Chefs Guild only:


Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Onyx</a>



This Vullaby vows to protect its owner at all costs.

"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!" 

Onyx's Ability:
Chance to obtain the following from any quests found in the Manahunters Guild only:



Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Opal</a>



This Vullaby is faithful to its owner and will always shine by your side.

"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!" 

Opal's Ability:
Chance to obtain the following from any quests found in the Manahunters Guild only:


Obtainable From:


<a href="" class="display-item">Orb of Reflection</a>

Orb of Reflection


This magical orb will brighten even the darkest places, helping you along your way...

"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!" 

Orb of Reflection's Ability:
Has a chance to grant loot from the following categories:


Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Otto</a>



Otto is a friendly creature who will happily share their Stiltonberry hoard whenever someone asks for one. It's unknown where they keep them, however, but they are always fresh! Another thing about the Stiltonberries that Otto brings is that they do not smell like the others. Instead, they have a sweet scent, which makes Otto make a cute chirping noise when they are happy. 

"What a cutiepie!" 

Otto's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.

Obtainable From:
Obtainable from purchasing Da-058

- This pet is soulbound.

<a href="" class="display-item">Pearl</a>



Pearl is a very old Dreg who has aged with grace. Whilst her colours have almost been fully replaced with white, she still has a spring in her step.

"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!" 

Pearl's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.

Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Pelydrol</a>



A shadow of Rhithiol, or rather Rhithiol is a shadow of this wonderful creature, Pelydrol is the being that those who are dubbed as 'Unicorns' in Solaria originated from. It is said that each strand of Pelydrol's hair, once plucked, holds the power to make a wish reality. That wish then takes on the form of a young unicorn, its sole purpose in life to make that wish come true. It takes a few decades before the foal turns into an adult, all the while under the care of the one who initially made the wish. The more they were loved, the greater the chance the wish would be fulfilled as the comfort and compassion it was shown would build its determination. Once the wish has been fulfilled, the unicorn is then free to stay with the one who brought them into existence or to leave and live out the rest of their life. Pelydrol is the only Unicorn able to do this, and is thought to be the first; a gift from Tumult.

"I wonder how much a single strand of that hair could go for..?" 

Pelydrol's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.

Obtainable From:
Owned by Zuppe
<a href="" class="display-item">Penguin Balloon</a>

Penguin Balloon


An orboros mimic that apparently liked the look of one of the previous Balloon Day Boxes contents that it decided to take on the appearance, giving us the penguin balloon. Whilst it looks like any other orboros, it makes a strange creaking sound when it moves. Almost as if it's pretending to 'wobble' from side to side like a penguin would. Whenever it is around sushi or cooked fish, the food strangely disappears before anyone can see where it went. That is, until, you look closely at it's 'beak' to discover that the likely culprit was the balloon itself."

"I knew there was something fishy about this pet!" 

Penguin Balloon's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.

Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Peppermint</a>



Peppermint, often called Pepe or Peeps, is a beautiful white and red snake that seemingly appeared during Wintersong. Peeps tends to slither around the various gifts that others give each other, often sneaking into the boxes as they think it would be the perfect home for the winter. They often cause a lot of frights during the gift-giving season when others open their presents to find them wrapped inside. They are harmless and only want the warmth that homes bring during the cold months. If they cannot find a hearth to snuggle up near, they will instead hang off of trees, giving them the shape of a candy cane. 

"They smell like Peppermint too!" 

Peppermint's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.

Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Petal</a>



This little Orboros mimic has a scent of fresh flowers and newly cut grass wherever they go, without the chance of affecting anyone's allergies.  The bright yellow and orange hues this mimic has makes them stand out from others, perfect for a 'Mara or Droma who can end up missing other pets due to how well they can blend into their environments. Luckily, Petal also mimics a balloon and can have its string tied to their 'Mara or Droma companion to help them not get lost as they often drift to nearby fields to observe the local plant life. 

"Smells so good!" 

Petal's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.

Obtainable From:
This Mimic is classed as a staff mimic. 
Staff mimics are regular mimics that staff can obtain and decide to either keep for themselves, gift them, or sell to other users should they wish to.
Any staff member can obtain any staff mimic, regardless of which member suggested the theme!

This mimic was suggested by Chimericect
<a href="" class="display-item">Phlipper</a>



Phlipper seems to be a little pygmy Whale Shark about the size of a Bwaa. She can move incredibly fast and can eat more than any other pet. Loves to find fish!

"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!"  

Phlipper's Ability:
Grants one of the following when used in any quest:

Obtainable From:
430 results found.