Misty and Tew
Misty and Tew were once two zapling mimics who acted as siblings, having both been made by the same 'Mara. They would be seen everywhere together, from just sitting on a sofa enjoying the day to happily splashing in puddles after a downpour. It got to a point they could be considered best friends. At one point or another, they ended up being apart for a brief period of time. Upon being reunited they would not leave each other's side. Seeing how the two had become so dependant on one another, the 'Mara who made them decided to intertwine them, welding them together and wrapping a bow to help them know that they can never be separated again.
"That's so cute, I think I'm gonna cry!"
Misty and Tew's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.
Moggie is a friendly pet that can always be found by its owners side. Often hitching rides on their back, this kitty loves riding around in style! However, they can get pretty demanding, often getting their owner to take them wherever they want and usually get pretty grumpy when told 'No'. Moggie is never down for long though, as they usually drop any grudges for a tasty fish or two!
"They smell amazing!"
Moggie's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.
- This pet is soulbound.
Monarch takes their name a little too seriously, often found bossing around the younger Gatawoos and sometimes even Kits. This pet is usually found to be a favourite of strict teachers, though they also keep the teachers themselves in check. After all, with a name like Monarch is it any wonder that they believe their owner to be above them in rank? Not in this case. They also have very expensive tastes and, because of this, a Monarch is not recommended for first-time pet owners. They are very protective, however.
"I just want to pet them!"
Morpheus is a strange Gatawoo, and not just because he has wings. This Gatawoo was from Solaria and had somehow found its way through one rift, then another, then another, and another that eventually led it to coming from the one in the Cerulean Forest. No one knows how, for this Gatawoo is keeping its secrets very close to its chest, and all attempts to recreate it have failed. All that is known is their wings were not present when they originally went rift jumping... At least they are very pretty to look at!
"What other secrets does this Gatawoo hold..?"
A strange little Vullaby that seemingly has brilliant blue wings! This little critter was found around a strange energy source near the Cerulean Forest and seems to be happy with their wings, often fluttering them when they are happy or excited, such as a Dregonian would wag their tail.
"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!"
Michael Tangelo's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.
This little cheesy friend is a wonderful little snake that seemingly looks like a fried mozzarella stick! It certainly doesn't help that this little fella is only about the size of the average Kiamara's paw, and they always seem to leave a trail of breadcrumbs wherever they go...
"Oh, what a cutie pie!"
Mozzarella's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.
Mr Fluffles
Raised by hand by another 'Mara from when he was but a hatchling, Mr Fluffles was always seen as a favourite family pet. Treated with kindness, care, and love, this once-small Gatawoo eventually grew into an enormous and chunky one instead. With age came laziness and the love for sleep outgrew its love for play, until the Gatawoo got too large for its family to take care of them. Seeing that he was such a big Gatawoo, his family entrusted him with a Gatawoo expert to take care of him and hopefully help him get back into being the active critter that he once was. Whilst this fluffy Gatawoo is often found lazying around, they suspiciously become active when ducks are nearby.
"Now that's one cute Gatawoo!"
Mr Fluffles' Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.
Owned by Free-Shade
Mr Potato
We aren't too sure as to why this... thing managed to become a mimic. All it does is sit there with its two big googly eyes... Staring. We don't know if it has any thoughts, ambitions, likes, or dislikes. We only know one thing; this starchy friend is 100% potato. It doesn't sprout any roots so if you try to plant it unfortunately you'll just have one very dirty Mr Potato. We don't even know whether it likes its name or not, but you could ideally call it anything. Well, if you want one carefree pet, maybe this potato will be for you!
"Loves me, loves me not."
Mr Potato's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.
This little vullaby constantly smells of dirt and wet wood chippings!
"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!"
Muddy's Ability:
Chance to obtain the following from any quests found in the Manahunters Guild only:
Mythic Feather Fae
A strange little fae made of a Greater Mana Soul and a feather. Strange... It seems to not have much usage outside of Feather Offerings, often helping those who wish to obtain the chance to gain an additional roll on Feather Offerings without having to wait the time period between different offerings. Outside of Feather Offerings, this pet is usually used for show or as a light source. This Feather Fae particularly helps out with any Mythic Feather Offerings.
"What a wonderful yellow creature!"
Rare Feather Fae's Ability:
Grants the following additional table roll on Mythic Feather Offering quests:

It seems that Spinach wasn't the only eel to be affected by the rifts as soon after, Banana Eels that could be found around Lakeview seemingly could also 'swim' through the air! Just like Spinach, though, Nanners can only float at around a foot or two.
"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!"
A strange space cat that seems to look like an alien. Its nebula-like markings seem to shimmer and apparently, move as if a living portal into the depths of the universe. Whilst you cannot use it to travel to these far, far away lands, depending on how long it's been since you last seen Nebula, you'll notice that the universe on their pelt is getting larger, as if slowly zooming in. No one knows why this is happening, and not many will be around by the time the markings have to reach the destination, but it's still something nice to wonder about.
"This pet is out of this world!"
Nebula's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.
New Dawn Bwaa
The New Dawn Bwaa has been found roaming around Solaria this year, with many appearances around Talinokk. They often have been seen frollicing with others in the snow, sliding across iceplanes, and munching on firecracker fruits!
"What a cutie"
New Dawn Bwaa's Ability:
Guarantees an additional roll on loot tables in any and all quests whilst New Dawn is active.
New Dawn Dregonian
What better way to usher in the New Dawn than with another little friend! This year Dregonians seem to be joining in on the New Dawn spirit! This little dreg is slightly different to other Dregonians. Not only do they sport swirly scales, but their horns even resemble the Sun Cookies that Gus is famous for making at this time of year. Stranger still, unlike most Dregonians who love Stiltonberries, this little Dreg cannot stand the taste of them. They often can be seen munching on some Sun Cookies, so through the year, they may be found snacking on Firecracker Fruit until New Dawn returns.
"Its horns look like the real thing! They truly embody the phrase 'You are what you eat'!"
New Dawn Dregonian's Ability:
Guarantees an additional roll on loot tables in all quests whilst New Dawn is active.
New Dawn Lampyre
The New Dawn Lampyre is a rather cute little Lampyre friend who only appears to migrate to Solaria, especially Pandrea, around the time of New Dawn. With the colours of Gus' infamous sun cookies and the smell of spices following them, it's almost as if they were created from a tasty treat rather than naturally occurring. No one knows where they disappear to after New Dawn finishes but they always come back annually to bless Solaria with the celebration of New Dawn. They aren't to be trusted around sun cookies, they will eat every last crumb.
"Time to hide the Sun Cookies!"
New Dawn Lampyre's Ability:
Guarantees an additional roll on loot tables in any and all quests whilst New Dawn is active.