Adorable Yeti
This little fella was seen wondering around the snowcaps of Talinokk. It makes you wonder if this is a grown up, or it's cute little offspring! Hopefully it's mama isn't too upset that it's joining you for an adventure!
"What a cute fluffly thing!"
Adorable Yeti's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.
This wonderful little Lampyre has a map on their bulb showing an 'x' that marks the spot. It's unknown whether this indicates the correct direction to wherever they wish to go since the mark is constantly changing, as well as the notable locations the map apparently shows. This pet is very happy-go-lucky in nature, almost always seen with a huge grin on its face. Though they often get lost as they always follow the map on their bulb.
"I bet if this Lampyre had a friend, maybe one named after a type of foot covering, they'd be able to find where they want to go so much easier!"
Dora's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.