Odyssey - Vol. I

Odyssey - Vol. I

Category: Mimic


Whether you accidentally found your way through one of the various rifts that were popping up here and there, or you are a Solarian native, it's no surprise that you may be feeling a bit discombobulated since the Calamity. With everything being so strange and the Manahunters no closer to finding a way to fix this, it's always good to keep notes on how you are doing and how you got to where you are right now. The memories leading to you ending up in Solaria post-calamity has been recorded on this pet's pages, and it will happily float around you whenever you need to remind yourself how you got there.

"Grandpa’ always taught me that if you ever feel a bit confused or even a little bit lost, trying to retrace your steps can help!" 

Odyssey - Vol. I's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.

Obtainable From:

Your Odyssey: Chapter 1