

Category: Mimic


After a little wait after casting your lobster trap in one of the various bodies of water around Solaria,  you return to find that a not-so-little friend has found their way inside. A purple crab that wore a tropical flower on its head and a permanent smile could be found within the trap, gently waving one of its claws your way. Attached to its other claw it held a note. It simply read: "Hey! I'm Hibbie! I saw this little cage and wanted to take a nap, I hope that's okay! I hear fishermen take some of us on adventures and I would love to come too! Will you take me on a trip all around Solaria? Please?" 

"Wait wait. Can the crab write? Or did someone else write it for them? How.. I am so confused?" 

Hibbie's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.

Obtainable From:
Using the following item in a quest: