

Category: Mecha Critter


Helpie seems to be a regular re-coloured Geronimo pet that also loves to help out. Often seen around Minimilks and Microkiamaras, this friendly face is always a delight to see. Whilst its chassis seems to be made of pure gold, sparkling wherever it goes, it seems that its shining outer appearance isn't the only thing that makes it special. Just like Geronimo, Helpie can find things when taken on adventures specifically to help their Mini and Micro friends; however with a much greater chance of obtaining them.

"Seems like Helpie truly is a helpful friend." 

Helpie's Ability:
When used in the quest where the focus character has a Microkiamara/Minimilk attached to them and present in the entry, this pet has the chance of dropping one of the following:

When used in a quest where the focus character does not have a  Microkiamara/Minimilk attached to them, or they are not present in the entry, this pet has the chance of dropping one of the following:


Obtainable From: