

Category: Mana Beast


Meet Kitty; a strange little creature that seems to resemble the Very Rare stones that can be found all around Solaria yet it can walk and play just like any other cat you may find. Kitty only talks in a strange low grumbling noise, almost like two stones grinding against each other with many believing that the noise just comes from it's stony-limbs. Unfortunately for them, when Kitty moves it is completely silent rendering that theory false. Kitty isn't just a pretty pet though, they can also find both Very Rare Stones and Very Rare Camilks all around Solaria, though it is believed that they need the stones and camilks essences to help keep the mana that they run on flowing. 

"So they can find Very Rare things in Solaria? Maybe they'd get on well with Bubs!" 

Kitty's Ability:
Chance to obtain one of the following from any event quest:

Obtainable From: