Dancing Thief

Dancing Thief

Category: Vullaby


The Dancing Thief is a Vullaby that usually appears at parties to take some items from others for their own. Whilst they have no malicious intent, this Vullaby loves collecting shiny things to give to others. The others she gives them to, you may ask? Graves. It appears that this Vullaby will collect shiny items to place on the graves of those who have had their graves robbed. Now, you may be thinking it may contradict that they would steal someone else's item to give to someone who also had an item stolen. The Dancing Thief puts a little note in the pockets of those they take from, showing them where their item can be found should they wish to. To those who they know that do all they can to help others, they try to treat them to a piece of jewellery - even if made of plastic. 

"At least their heart is in the right place!"  

Dancing Thief's Ability:
Chance of obtaining the following:


Obtainable From:
The quest 'A Hearthfire Party!' 

- This pet is soulbound.