

Category: Patreon Mimics


Crumble is an orboros mimic that decided to take shape after they overheard a conversation between a kit and a calf. The conversation was about the youngling's favourite desserts and why. Originally, the calf had spoken about a mint jelly and that it always made them think of when winter turned to spring. The kit mentioned how theirs was a slice of delicious chocolate cake because it always reminded them of their birthday. After a bit of discussion, the two then went on to talk about the deserts they had regularly that they loved and both agreed that their parent's Applen Crumble was the best. Though the two wouldn't allow the other to claim that their parent's version was better than their own, this orboros mimic liked the idea that the desert was well loved between the two and thus turned into an Applen themselves.

"Maybe this Orboros just knew that others love applens and wanted a slice of that love too?" 

Crumble's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.