

Category: Patreon Mimics


Floryn is one of a rather larger-than-average fox species that tend to be found on the outskirts of the Wrathion Woodlands, helping hunters nearby know where the safest place would be to hunt. This is due to these foxes staying far away from Vital Beasts as if the creatures know that they are dangerous beings to be around. Floryn is a special one of these critters as, unlike the others, they sport large tufts of fur on their shoulders and rump that tend to mimic the oily shadow-like trails Vital Beasts give off. It's thought that Floryn uses this to be able to travel deeper into the Wrathion Woodlands, making them a hunter's perfect companion.

"What a strange fox. It's almost... unnerving that they are similar to Vital Beasts though, don't you think?" 

Floryn's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.