Category: Patreon Mimics
Chiffon, the tastiest-looking dragon to ever walk on Solaria, always appears around August time. This critter makes a pilgrimage every year starting in Crestport, going to Newport, and all around Solaria until they reach Blightfall. There, at the base of the ruin, they will slumber once more for another year. Most seem to believe the creature time-travels to the next year as those who watch the critter finish their pilgrimage will notice it disappear within a blink of an eye and re-appear in the same pose and spot the following year. Everywhere they go, they can conjure cake for those who simply bless it for the following year.
"A mysterious dragon that hands out cake once a year? Ooooo this is going to be awesome!"
Chiffon's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.

This pet was obtainable from pledging to our patreon in August 2023
Currently Unavailable