Category: Personal Pets
A shadow of Rhithiol, or rather Rhithiol is a shadow of this wonderful creature, Pelydrol is the being that those who are dubbed as 'Unicorns' in Solaria originated from. It is said that each strand of Pelydrol's hair, once plucked, holds the power to make a wish reality. That wish then takes on the form of a young unicorn, its sole purpose in life to make that wish come true. It takes a few decades before the foal turns into an adult, all the while under the care of the one who initially made the wish. The more they were loved, the greater the chance the wish would be fulfilled as the comfort and compassion it was shown would build its determination. Once the wish has been fulfilled, the unicorn is then free to stay with the one who brought them into existence or to leave and live out the rest of their life. Pelydrol is the only Unicorn able to do this, and is thought to be the first; a gift from Tumult.
"I wonder how much a single strand of that hair could go for..?"
Pelydrol's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.
Owned by Zuppe