

Category: Mimic


Rhithiol, the once-thought imaginary Unicorn has been sighted once again around Solaria, and this time he has been captured. Hunters from Verulia saw the magnificent beast begin to head inside of Wrathion Woodlands and, with such a beast only being sighted once in a blue moon, they believed it was their duty to keep the creature safe. Though what they did not account for was that Rhithiol was able to communicate in the same language as anyone who approached him. When confronting him, Rhithiol simply mentioned he had been on the same path for thousands of years, and the beasts in the forest knew not to come close. Sure enough, he ventured deeper into the woodland than the hunters were willing to follow. After a few days, he returned unharmed. He is the reason why some of the best hunters refer to themselves as the Illusive Ones, following in the path of great Rhithiol.

"So if this creature is so magical and amazing, why is he deciding to come with us? Needed a Holiday or something?" 

Rhithiol's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.

Obtainable From: