Youngling Girasol

Youngling Girasol

Category: Manitodon


This Manitodon was one of the first revived from DNA from a fossil found in Solaria. With the help of the Rift Jumpers, this species was revived with Girasol being one of the first!

"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!"  

Youngling Girasol's Ability:
Once used 10 times in accepted quest entries, this pet will transform into an Elder Girasol.

How to transform into an Elder:
Once your Manitodon has been used 10 times in quests, you must then submit a claim with a link to all 10 successful entries, with a link to the Manitodon that you wish to be transferred. 
As long as the 10 quests are accepted, a member of staff will remove the Youngling variation and replace it with the Elder version for you to use. 
Obtainable From: