Ebony Chest

Ebony Chest

Category: Mimic


This is one of the chests that were brought back from the adventure during Super Summer Slam 2022 that, disappointingly to those who were part of Sal's crew, contained no treasure. Instead, there was an eye in the place of a keyhole and... teeth poking out! Luckily for the one who found this mimic, it began to purr and snuggle up for warmth with them instead of chomping their limbs off - it would much rather trash after all. Since then, the box seems to have multiplied somehow, and the Ebony Chest mimic seems to be a favourite to those who just want to have a box on their feet of a night time and to feed them their rubbish. 

"Wait... What? Do people actually like this thing? Okayyyy... then...."

Ebony Chest's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.

Obtainable From: