
<a href="" class="display-item">0R-30</a>



0R-30 is a friendly butler bot that was made by Tomas to be a handy companion on any journey you find yourself on. Being able to understand almost any language, except Inturosian, they are perfect to take with you to a new place you've never been to before. It seems that this language understanding also works beyond the rifts as some Droma and 'Mara have reported that their 0R-30s have helped them talk to non-Solarians when they have found themselves falling into another realm but not knowing the language. Despite their knowledge of linguistics, the bot cannot talk other than a series of different-pitched beeping noises and their faceplate is able to display images. Luckily, the user manual helps decipher some of these beeps to make conversation with all others as smooth as possible. Can also produce almost any refreshment!

"Tomas made this? He's getting good with these mechs, isn't he?" 

0R-30's Ability:
Guarantees 1 additional roll on all standard loot tables in guild quests.

Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Acorn</a>



Acorn tends to hang around Circuitrees more than Zaplings, wanting to know their secret to become big and strong

"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!" 

Acorn's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.

Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Adorable Yeti</a>

Adorable Yeti


This little fella was seen wondering around the snowcaps of Talinokk. It makes you wonder if this is a grown up, or it's cute little offspring! Hopefully it's mama isn't too upset that it's joining you for an adventure!

"What a cute fluffly thing!" 

Adorable Yeti's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.

Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Akoya</a>



A beautiful pearly balloon pup who always tends to be the best in the show. Whilst they are made of a balloon-like substance, they still pack all of the perfect personality features any happy-go-lucky pup would have! This perfect pet will be the greatest, and most stylish, of all the balloon pups you could own and it would make sure of that. It often likes taking part in pet shows, and has a whole drawer full of rosettes for their hard work they are always happy to show those interested in seeing them. 

"What a fabulous little creature!" 

Akoya's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.

Obtainable From:
Owned by Yeena
<a href="" class="display-item">Alex</a>



This Little clownfish loves nothing more than to swim around in the sky, floating on a bed of bubbles. We are unsure how these bubbles stay around for so long or how they are produced, however, they are extremely durable and don't pop on touch.

"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!" 

Alex's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.

Obtainable From:
This pet was previously obtainable from donating to Okaroone's 24-hour live stream for the charity Mermaidsuk.

Whilst this pet is now unavailable, please check out the charity and consider donating to this great cause!
<a href="" class="display-item">Algae</a>



Algae seems to have taken the form of a Snekolotl, and a rather bright one at that! It's said that the colouration is so rare, that they are often thought of as being extinct or forgotten about.

"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!"

Algae's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.

Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Amaras</a>



A happy-go-lucky dregonian mimic who adores Affinity Faire so much they are usually seen hoarding Heart Candies wherever they go. They don't eat them and they also don't use them, except to put them in a pile to show off how many they have. They absolutely adore the scent of the chalk-like candy and are attracted to it like a bee to pollen. Whilst they love Affinity Faire, they are very hard to find out and about in Solaria at that time and many believe that finding Amaras during Affinity Faire is a sign of good luck and new love.

"Loves me, loves me not." 

Amaras' Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.

Obtainable From:
A possible drop from any Affinity Faire Event Quest between the 1st-21st of February
<a href="" class="display-item">Amber</a>



This Vullaby is one of the oldest surviving morphs. They are often seen with Kiamaras who have undertaken their mateship ceremony.

"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!" 

Amber's Ability:
Chance to obtain the following from any quests found in the Manahunters Guild only:


Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Ammolite</a>



Good vibes only!

"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!"  

Ammolite's Ability:
Chance to obtain the following from any quests found in the Manahunters Guild only:


Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Ander</a>



Whilst this clownfish seems to have lost most of its colour, its rainbow stripe glows proudly even at the lowest of depths! The bubbles underneath act similarly to Alex's and are incredibly durable, however whenever there is a rainbow about they seem to multiply rapidly.

"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!" 

Ander's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.

Obtainable From:
This pet was previously obtainable from donating to Okaroone's 24-hour live stream for the charity Kaleidoscope Trust.

Whilst this pet is now unavailable, please check out the charity and consider donating to this great cause!
<a href="" class="display-item">Anzu</a>



Anzu seems to have been made of molten gold and an unknown crystal, however, they are completely biological. Seems to enjoy eating random rocks and crystals that people give them.

"I just want to pet them!" 

Anzu's Ability:
Grants an extra roll of any Super Summer Slam quest when the event is active.

Grants one of the following items only when the Super Summer Slam event isn't active, from any quest:

Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Archivist Micro Mimic</a>

Archivist Micro Mimic


Back in the day, this Kia was the one to help keep an eye on all other Kias to ensure they weren't in danger, and if they needed any help they would be at their side. They would often write down all the information about the Kias they helped in large tomes to place in their vast library, just in case they ever needed help again in future. Not this exact mimic, though, as this one seems to be a reflection of what used to be known as The Archivist back in the day and has taken the form of a Microkiamara to better fit in with the world they have found themselves in.

"A reflection of the past." 

Archivist Micro Mimic's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.

Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Arden</a>



During the wonderful month of May, many little white flowers can be found in the large luscious meadows around Lakeview and are seen as a sign that spring is almost at its end. These little Lillies tend to last no longer than a fortnight before their petals fall and their stems blend in with the vegetation around them.  If you are lucky enough, you may even encounter a little Vullaby called Arden. With their pelt an array of greens and creams, they often blend in with the Lillies they are prancing around, but will happily show themselves and follow anyone who has a treat or two on them. 

"A wonderful little Vullaby!"

Arden's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.

<a href="" class="display-item">Ariella</a>



Ariella is a small hedgehog that used to live nearer where the Calamity happened and now resides in Benji's Shrine. She loves munching on fresh Applens and Friendelions, often decorating their quills with leaves, stray bits of wheat, flowers, or anything sparkly they can find on the ground. They spend most of the day snuggled up under the purple bushes around the fountain, resting in the shade and warding off a dark creature who lurks underneath that has been trying to get into the shrine for... something...

"Ariella is adorable!" 

Ariella's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.

Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Astilbe</a>



The eldest of the Deer of the Wrathion Woodlands' fawns, this mimic came from the only creature known for being  'good'  in the forest of darkness. This creature bestows their children on those whom they know to trust, and Astilbe was assigned to you to help guide you deep in the woodlands, even in Cerulia. Their appearance may be beautiful physically, but the fact they had appeared so far away from their homeland of Wrathion Woodlands... is unnerving.

"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!"

Astilbe's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.

<a href="" class="display-item">Autumn</a>



A rather energetic Vullaby who only ever really appears around Autumn time in Solaria, hence the name. You've heard of people often stopping to jump in puddles, well this little pet adores jumping in leaf piles. They'd often end up with leaves in their fur from the amount they will dive into. Wherever they go, the scent of maple can be smelled, which is their signature scent. 

"Every time Autumn's around, I just want to eat pancakes!" 

Autumn's Ability:
Grants one of the following during any Hearthfire Quest:


Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Baby</a>



Baby is a little kitty cat that has rather strange patterns on them. Whilst they are very friendly, they never let anyone touch the diamond shaped on their body, so no one knows if they are paint, part of their coat, or something else entirely! Especially as they seem to glow in the dark...

"They're so FLOOFY" 

Baby's Ability:
Can mimic any other pet attached to a character if used in a quest.

Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Baby Bewwy</a>

Baby Bewwy


It seems that this spring, Baby Bewwies are popping up everywhere! Maybe you should take this little one home?

"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!" 

Baby Bewwy's Ability:
Grants one of the following when used in a non-guild quest:


Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Baby Fwiendly</a>

Baby Fwiendly


It seems that this spring, Baby Fwiendlies are roaming the meadows amongst the daisies! Maybe you should take this little one home?

"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!" 

Baby Fwiendly's Ability:
Grants one of the following when used in a non-guild quest:


Obtainable From:
<a href="" class="display-item">Baby Stwaaberry</a>

Baby Stwaaberry


It seems that this spring, Baby Stwaaberries are popping up in fruit fields! Maybe you should take this little one home?

"We will be looking to update this pet's archive entry soon!"

Baby Stwaaberry's Ability:
Grants one of the following when used in a non-guild quest:


Obtainable From:
471 results found.