
Camp counsellor turned tour guide, all Serah wants to do is help the newcomers out by showing them around her home world. If you need anything, she's the best person to ask!

Serah Lavelle

'Need help? Well Serah is here! Happy to help with anything you need!"


Serah Lavelle

Gender Identity: Female
13th of March
Canon Sexuality: Homosexual
Relationship Status: In a relationship.
Occupation: Camp Councillor/Tour Guide

No known family.



Uncommon: Multicoloured Eyes




Serah is a vibrant and cheerful Kiamara, known for her unwavering dedication to helping others. From a young age, her passion was to make a difference in people's lives, and she initially aspired to become a doctor. Despite not achieving the grades required to attend the prestigious colleges in Manabane, Serah refused to let this setback deter her. She quickly adapted and discovered alternative ways to bring joy and assistance to those in need.

Becoming a camp counsellor became Serah's calling, allowing her to create unforgettable experiences for young kits and calves, spreading happiness wherever she went. Her summer camps became a cherished tradition, where laughter echoed through the woods and friendships blossomed under her guidance. Even after the Calamity, when the world was forever changed, Serah remained steadfast in her commitment to the well-being of her former campers and made sure to look out for all the children she had helped during past summers when the uncertainty flooded.

In the aftermath of the Calamity, as the rifts opened and Kiamaras traversed through unfamiliar realms, Serah took on a new role as a tour guide. Guiding lost souls and helping them navigate the perplexing landscapes, she became a beacon of hope and reassurance amidst the chaos. Her kindness and genuine care for others shone through as she offered guidance and support to those seeking solace and understanding.

Serah's tireless dedication and golden-hearted nature have earned her the admiration and respect of the community. She is often found lending a helping paw wherever it is needed, going above and beyond to ensure the happiness and well-being of those around her. Serah's unwavering optimism and zest for life make her a cherished companion, bringing light to even the darkest of days. However, there are times when her eyes seem to flicker, almost as if hiding true intentions underneath.


Early Life

Sal was born on the 29th of September mere minutes after his twin sister, Sally. He was an adorable and inquisitive kit with chubby cheeks and bright eyes that sparkled with curiosity, many would fall in love with his beautiful smile the moment they saw it. His infectious giggles and coos always filled his family's home, only growing louder when he was around his eldest twin. He was always eager to explore his surroundings like most children, reaching out with his tiny hands to touch and feel everything around him even when being told not to. It was this slight rebellious and cheeky spark that made others unable to tell him off for his actions as he would always end up making them giggle or laugh as a way out of any situation.

He was quick to learn and had an insatiable appetite for knowledge, often surprising his parents with his early verbal and cognitive abilities as he grew. Even as a young child, it was clear that Sal had a natural aptitude for business and entrepreneurship, often coming up with creative ways to sell his toys and plushies to his sister and parents. Despite his natural talents and intellect, Sal was still innocent and pure-hearted, growing up with a heart full of love and desire to help others. His parents and sister simply loved to be in his company and, to outsiders, he was but another piece in their 'perfect' family.

As Salim entered his teenage years, he began to develop a more independent and rebellious streak. While he was still passionate, he also yearned to forge his own path and explore the world beyond his family's expectations. He became more daring and adventurous, seeking out new challenges and experiences wherever he could find them. Even the scars he currently has on his face are from these times with him often mentioning that the scars "Look cooler than the stories they're attached to". At the same time, Sal also grew more introspective and thoughtful, spending hours reading and studying to expand his knowledge and understanding of the world. Though he occasionally clashed with his parents over his decisions and aspirations, Sal remained respectful and courteous, determined to prove himself as a capable and successful young adult. Especially when it was discovered he wouldn't be able to follow in his father's footsteps. 

There was one major hurdle in his early life - debilitating seasickness. As a young boy, he was often forced to accompany his father on salvage expeditions, eager to learn the ins and outs of the family trade and how to one day have a ship of his own. However, every time they set sail, Sal would quickly succumb to waves of nausea and dizziness, rendering him unable to work or contribute. Despite his best efforts, any potential 'fix' for his sea sickness was often short-lived or did not work. He knew that he could never follow in his father's footsteps as a salvager of the seas and this reality caused great resentment between Sal and his father, Leighton, who saw his son's condition as a major roadblock. Leighton believed that Sal was not living up to his potential and began to resent him for his inability to contribute to the family business.

This resentment didn't just present itself between Sal and his father, but also between his parents. Sal's mother, Adelia, had always been supportive of her son, recognizing that he had unique talents and strengths that could be put to use in other areas, and saw his sea sickness as an unfortunate thing that they should work with, not against. However, Leighton was more traditional and saw the family salvaging business as the only way to uphold the Morgannis name and ensure its continued success. He couldn't see the Morgannis line as anything but a family of prestigious salvagers and traders of antiquities and high-quality goods. And so, the pressure on Sal caused tension between Adelia and Leighton eventually reached a boiling point, and they separated, with Adelia leaving to live in a different part of Pandrea.

Sal eventually left the family home as well, without his mother to help keep his father on track he felt that he was no longer welcome. The house that he once called home was nothing more than a cold mausoleum filled with the ghosts of his past and it was time for him to try to move forward. Despite his father's disapproval, Sal remained determined to make a name for himself and carry on the Morgannis legacy in his own way. He knew that if he succeeded, his father's resentment towards him would certainly grow but he would at least earn the respect and admiration of his family. On the other hand, if he failed, the name 'Morgannis' being seen as successful Salvagers and Traders would become lost to the ages, as he believed it should.

With the weight of the future resting on his shoulders, Sal left his family home and began his journey to carve out his own future. He knew that he would have to work twice as hard as anyone else to prove himself, but he was determined to do so. Over time, Sal's success and reputation grew, and he became known as one of the most successful traders in Pandrea. Despite his estrangement from his family, Sal knew that he was still carrying on the family legacy in his own way, and he took pride in that fact.




"My brother? Well, what can I say, you've met the guy haven't you? No? Well, I'd say wait until you are in dire need of credits before you go and see him - you may not be prepared for his ego. Now don't get me wrong, Salim is a wonderful man once you get to know him, but you also don't know whether he is being friendly for the sake of it or to potentially gain something.

"Now if you insist on meeting him, my only warning is to be professional. He is a professional himself, after all, and views all transactions as such. If you try to tug on his heartstrings telling him your most heartfelt stories or your unfortunate reasons you are looking to sell something, he may look like he empathises, but all he can hear are the credits rattling in his ears. Do not underestimate him, he is far, far wiser than he lets off. "






"Sal is, well.. How do I put it without coming across as rude? Sal is as politely as I can say, someone you wish to avoid. That man is probably worth less than the dirt under your feet, and he would probably try to sell that too! He may have a convincing voice for those looking to seek fortunes by selling their wares or to snag an antique from his little 'Trade Shack' but trust me, he will swindle you for every penny he can get. He will undercharge to buy the item off of you and oversell anything he believes to be worthy. There have even been times I've had him try to sell me literal Trash Bags, saying something inside may be worth the 100 credits he wanted for it. Now, I'm a salvage and engineering specialist, I could take that trash bag and make it into a variety of things, but 100 credits?! 

And also, he always tends to be in the same place as me on the worst of occasions, especially when I'm complimenting a lovely individual. Seems like he just can't help himself."






"Gusgus gusgus gus gus, g..gusgusgus gus gusgusgus gus. Gusgus guuuus gusgusgus gus gusgus gus. Friend gusgusgusgus gus gus gusgus gus... Gus, gus gus gusgusgusgus gus! Gusgus friend gus. Gus gus gusgusgus gus. Gusgus guuuus gusgusgus gus friend gus.gus gus gusgusgus gus. Gusgus guuuus gusgusgus gus gusgus friend."

It seems that Gus has a lot to say about Sal, however, due to the language barrier it's hard to tell exactly what Gus is trying to convey. What we can tell, however, is Sal is the one who, during Hearthfire 2022, found a way to help save Gus and even helped him learn the only other word he says other than his name; friend. 



Post Calamity


After the Calamity, Sal, known for his independent and reserved demeanour, found himself compelled to aid those who stumbled out of the mysterious rifts that seemingly popped out of thin air. Despite his typically guarded nature, he couldn't ignore the plight of these displaced individuals. Offering them more than just a helping hand, Sal distributed essential supplies like water and food, while guiding them towards Serah or Benji, influential figures well-versed in the intricacies of Solaria, to aid these newcomers in familiarizing themselves with their newfound surroundings. While some sceptics believed his acts of kindness were a calculated marketing ploy, a rumour he chose to embrace to maintain appearances, Sal's intentions were genuinely rooted in a desire to help in this extraordinary situation.

In the aftermath of these encounters, Sal discovered a captivating trend among the Rift Jumpers—an inclination to embark on what came to be known as Feather Hunts. These hunts involved seeking out feathers. It seemed that the feathers which both Droma and 'Mara alike tend to adorn were affected by the calamity, becoming almost linked to its host. Without them, many in Solaria couldn't participate in activities, start a family, or even explore without a guide. Another change that was occurring is that feathers seemed to have a mind of their own, and if anyone who didn't 'earn their feather' in the form of performing an act of bravery tried to touch one, or if they had earned them and they tried to give their feather away without coating it with Brumble Wax, it would cause the feather to combust into a fine powder of Phoenix Dust.

Sal recognized the inherent value of the Phoenix Dust found within them and he actively engaged those partaking in Feather Hunts, encouraging them to collect these coveted feathers from all those who took part in the hunts. Interestingly, the rarer the feathers, the greater the quantity of the peculiar dust they exuded when touched by someone who had not earned them. While Sal remained tight-lipped about the exact destination and purpose of the phoenix dust, it became evident that it held significant worth and he would be willing to buy as many as he needed. Selling the dust proved to be a lucrative and integral component of Sal's business, even though the specifics of its utilization remained shrouded in secrecy. It's also why he has a business rival in Mads from the Mad Market, due to him finding the secretive Brumble Wax that stops feathers from turning into Phoenix Dust.

During the exhilarating Super Summer Slam 2022, Sal embarked on a daring pirate escapade accompanied by his trusted crew members Jackdaw, Careful and a Rift Jumper. The catalyst for this extraordinary adventure was a cryptic note that mysteriously implicated Sal in the audacious theft of Pandrea's precious Crown Jewels, reminding him of a past event he did not want to be brought to light. So much so that he would do his best to push past his seasickness to help figure this situation out. Little did the world know that hidden within Sal's complex past was a love story involving his partner, Klayton. Though during this adventure, it would all come out.

As young adults, Sal and Klayton discovered their deep affection for each other and yearned to break free from the constraints of their lives. However, Sal's father, the relentless Leighton, continued to torment him. He would constantly attempt to undermine his business and try to drag him down, even going so far as to affect his personal life in an attempt to drive him away. Aware of his father's vindictiveness, Sal wanted to protect Klayton from the repercussions of their relationship and dreamed of saving enough money to whisk him away to a place beyond his father's reach. Klay would be worth the hard work he would have to do, and whilst the idea of selling stolen goods did cross his mind for an easier time, it was simply against his principles.

When Sal learned of Klayton's impulsive act of stealing the Pandrean jewels to fast-track their plans, he was livid. He understood that Klay did what he thought was the best solution to their problem, but he couldn't just stand by and accept stolen goods and so he was confronted with a moral dilemma. He knew that Klayton's actions could lead to a long prison sentence if found guilty. Determined to protect his beloved partner, Sal made a difficult decision. He arranged for Klayton to be sent far away, away from the clutches of Leighton, Pandrea, and the inevitable consequences of his actions. It was a painful sacrifice for Sal, for he had to part ways with the person he held most dear, but in order to keep him safe and free he did anything within his power to protect him. Klayton was worth every drop of effort Sal could muster. He ended up finding a way to get the jewels back, mentioning how he found them and giving the description of his father to the authorities to attempt to keep them off of Klay's trail.

Sal devoted most of the profit he acquired from his shop over the next few years to aiding Klayton's well-being. However, a shocking turn of events unfolded when Sal's father, Leighton, hatched a plan to undo everything Sal had put in place to protect the one he loved. After a lot of preparation and patience for the right moment, Leighton cunningly seized the jewels himself and dispersed them across Pandrea with hints of the original thief being Klayton, sending Sal into a state of panic. The consequences were dire. If someone discovered the truth and traced it back to Sal and Klay, not only would his shop be at stake, but also Klayton's safety would hang in the balance. To worsen matters, Leighton had managed to track down Klayton's whereabouts with the assistance of Jackdaw, manipulated him into coming out of hiding by telling him how he wanted to get back at Sal once and for all, and was prepared to hand him over with incriminating evidence to clear his own name and bury his Son's reputation in the process.

However, as fate would have it, an unexpected incident occurred during the chaos of Hearthfire that year. Gus, Solarias loyal friend-shaped robot, inexplicably transformed into a colossal behemoth, wreaking havoc upon Solaria. In an unforeseen turn of events, Sal and Leighton were compelled to put their longstanding differences aside and unite their efforts to confront the rampaging giant version of Gus. Together, they sought to either subdue the raging robot or awaken Gus's dormant memories of friendship to pacify his wrath. Fortunately for Gus and all those who love the robot, the latter option proved successful.

Sal, exhausted and weary of his father's tormenting scavenger hunt, overwhelmed with concern for Klayton and weary from the chaos surrounding them, urged Leighton to let go of this plan of his. He sent him away, and whether it was a bit of guilt or pity, Leighton left. Seizing the opportunity provided by the chaotic event, Sal skillfully covered his tracks while restoring all the evidence and discreetly returning the jewels to their rightful places. With a bittersweet farewell, Sal bid Klayton another temporary goodbye, utilizing the money he had initially saved to help Klay to instead make a charitable donation towards the cleanup efforts necessitated by Giant Gus's destructive rampage, effectively restarting his plan to save to flee to Klayton once again.

It was these courageous and selfless actions that led Sal to spend a reflective day with Gus at the picturesque coastline. Seemingly unburdened by his limited vocabulary, Gus listened intently as Sal confided his tearful concerns and worries away from any others, including the Rift Jumper, could hear. No one quite knows what Sal spoke to him about, and Sal would probably never tell a soul, but in that poignant moment, Gus learned a new word—an expression of profound meaning: "Friend."

Associated Items





Useable Items:




Notable Locations



The Trade Shack

The Trade Shack is Sal's pride and joy, the shop he opened a good few years back when he first began his own journey into Solaria without the backing of his family. The name was quite literal at first, with him naming it after the dilapidated shed that he started his business in. Whilst the building may have changed since then, his principles of running the shop have not. He will happily buy almost anything and due to his sharp business acumen, he often can make a nice profit. 

Sal works incredibly hard at running his shop, with many all over Solaria knowing its name. Even those who jump through the rifts often come into his store, thinking the prices must be cheap due to almost everything being second hand and Sal would happily agree with them as they would pass their hard-earned credits into his palms.