Town of Stonehill
Terra, Protector of Stonehill
Notable figures:
Terra, Alastair, Igor
Stonehill takes its place as one of the oldest surviving colonies on Solaria, gathering its name from its location. Steep, rocky hills rich with ore and goods to plunder, this was once a place of great wealth and prosperity under its old leader, Leora. When the sundering happened thousands of years ago and Solaria was reshaped into what it is now, the city of Stonehill was split into two, tearing away the precious gems and metals from the mountain and dwindling its population into the mere hundreds. Many thought Leora was to blame for the sundering, believing that their ever-long pursuit of wealth meant the gods had punished them by tearing their city apart, and thus the rebellion was born.
Led by a senior Commander in the Stonehill army, a mass exodus of the city remains took up and moved far away to the town now known as Talinokk. Because of the way the majority of Kiamara's left Stonehill, there was bad blood between the two clans, the bad blood that has plagued the very heart of Solaria until this day. Battles rage, political wars were fought and fiery clashes between the two clans made the northern part of Solaria hostile to anyone who decided to side with the opposing clan.
Terra, Protector of Stonehill. A descendant of the famous Leora now leads Stonehill, using the knowledge of the past to devote her life to protecting her people from further despair. Her younger brothers Alastair and Igor help her make sure the day-to-day running of the town is up to scratch, and they use what they have to remain a strong influence over Solaria.