
Mountainous Town, rivals of those to the West

Talinokk is a city located in the northernmost part of Solaria, subjecting its townsfolk to harsh winters almost all year round. Being a city that traces its origins back to the infamous rebellion of the Stonehill army the city is still young in comparison to its neighbours, harbouring a population of roughly 500 citizens with many tracing their heritage back to those who took part in the said rebellion. Known for its pride in hardworking folk and being a booming hub for manual labor, Talinokk is known to be one of the better locations for those wishing to train themselves in the arts of blacksmithery, combat training, carpentry, and construction. 


Yvetle, Warchief of Talinokk

Notable figures:

Yvetle, Alphons, Alessia


Talain Plateau, the place that would eventually become Talinokk would be founded, was a large and barren land situated less than 200 miles away from Stonehill with little cultural significance, resources, or history.  Despite its harsh conditions, these merciless lands served as the birthplace of Talinokk, a rebel city that was founded in protest by a Commander of the Stonehill army in rebellion against the ancient leader of Stonehill, Leora. 

The rebel group led by a Commander of the Stonehill army saw an opportunity in this barren land, choosing to settle there as a symbol of their defiance against Leora and her views on how to rule. Over time, more and more 'Maras and Droma that left Stonehill joined the community, and Talinokk became a thriving city that flourished despite the challenges of its surroundings showing that through hard work and determination, anything was possible. 

Talinokk is considered by many to be the last remaining "true" remnants of the original Stonehill city, as it maintains the traditions and culture of the early Stonehill settlers that those who remain at Stonehill have long since rejected. A testament to this can be seen in their architecture and smithing, using the same techniques many of their ancestors once used with tools and weapons being left behind as heirlooms and houses being passed down generation-to-generation.

Using brute force, military tactics, and a huge focus on oppression through fear, Talinokk is led by the fierce Warchief Yvetle. Scavengers and Salvagers of Talinokk spend their time diving, mining, and excavating the remains of the mountain filled with treasures. Although smaller than their counterpart of Stonehill, almost every Kiamara of age can wield a weapon of sorts, meaning if they ever need anything they can take it by force.



Miscellanous: Firecracker Fruit