Lampyre Mane Growth Balm
Category: Species - Trait Items
Grants a Kiamara the Longer Mane - Down Tail trait. Can be used in Breedings to guarantee 1 kit to obtain the Longer Mane - Down Tail trait.
"A pot of Lampyre Balm that seems to help grow a 'Maras mane down their tail!"
- Obtainable from the "Trick Or Treat!' quest on The Kingfisher
Lampyre Tears
Category: Reagents
Herbalism - Reagents
"A bottle full of Lampyre Tears. It's not known whether Lampyres can even cry and it is more likely that the liquid in this bottle actually refers to the fact the liquid shimmers like a Lampyre tail rather than someone upsetting one enough to encapsulate their tears."
- Obtainable from the Enhanced Reward of the 'Living Off The Land' quest in the Chefs Guild.
Category: Junk
"Based on a Lampyre's bulb, this lantern's guiding light is said to bring in good luck for the coming year."
- Obtainable from the New Dawn 2022 Box
Lantern Berry
Category: Species - Trait Items
Species - Trait Items - Soulbound
This item has the following use on Kiamaras:
When used on a Kiamara or Dromedairy, or Kiamara MYO/Dromedairy MYO:
Grants the following trait to any Kiamara or Dromedairy it is used on:
Lampyre Tail - Seasonal Trait
"A yummy little berry that has been found to grow around solaria during New Dawn."
Lapis Lazuli
Category: Quest Items
Quest Items
Can be used to take part in the quest 'Nuts and Bolts' in the Engineer's Guild
"A brilliant blue stone that is often used in mosaics found in the homes of those in Lakeview."
Large Crate of Doubloons
Category: Bags and Boxes
Bags and Boxes
"It appears this is a large box that may contain some doubloons for you to use at Gug's shack!"
- Obtainable from quests on The Kingfisher
Large Credit Pouch
Category: Bags and Boxes
Bags and Boxes
Contains a large stash of Credits
"Far too heavy to lug around."
- Obtained as a possible Enhanced reward from the "Your Odyssey IV" quest in the Pandrean Library
Large Magnet
Category: Reagents
Reagents - Soulbound
"It seems this magnet was positively attracted to you!"
- Obtainable as a possible Enhanced reward from the "Nuts and Bolts" quest in the Engineers Guild.
Leftover Pasty
Category: Junk
"Oh well, seems we weren't lucky enough to find a new friend leaving this out this time..."
- Obtained by using a Cheese and Nebulot Pasty in any quest
Legendary Camilk
Category: Species - Trait Items
Species - Consumable
Grants a Dromedairy one Legendary Trait
"Can grant a Dromedairy any legendary trait, aside from subtypes, major powers, and alternate forms."
- Obtainable from quests
Legendary Character Certificate
Category: Event
Event - Soulbound
You can only use one Legendary Character Certificate once-per-month.
This item allows the user to obtain a Legendary pre-made character.
Legendary Kiamaras and Dromedairies Available
Don't see any you like? Or there's none available? No problem!
This file will be periodically updated so you can either save this item until one catches your eye, or you can sell the item to Sal for some credits!
If there are no characters in the folder; we will be working on updating them as soon as possible!
These characters are handed out first come, first served.
If someone puts a claim in before you for the same character, it will go to them and the item will be returned to you for you to choose another!
To redeem one of the characters in the above 'Available Characters' folder, you must do the following:
- Go to your Claims tab and click on 'New Claim'
- Then, in the 'URL' section, copy and paste the link of the character you wish to redeem. Please ensure this is the correct link as you are unable to swap the characters after they have been redeemed.
- You must then click on 'Add-Ons' and attach this item to your claim.
- Submit the claim. If all is well, your claim will be accepted within 1-3 days of submission and the character transferred to you.
Legendary Dromedairy Subtype MYO Tablet
Category: Species - MYO Items
Species - MYO Items
Grants the user the ability to unlock a MYO Slot that allows you to choose from one of the following subtypes:
Yeti, Lop, Supernova, Cosmic, Geode, Abyssal
Does not grant the Dromedairy any additional Legendary Traits.
"It appears this tablet has engravings similar to that of the Legendary Stones Kiamaras can use... Strange!"
- Obtainable from UNKNOWN
Legendary Feathers
Category: Feathers
Feathers - Soulbound
Grants your Kiamaras' feathers a Legendary trait.
"Your Kiamara has beaten the feather trial to find some feathers!"
- Obtainable from the quests found in the Newcomers Hut
Legendary MYO Potion
Category: Species - MYO Items
Species - Consumable - Soulbound
Grants the user the ability to create their own Legendary Kiamara
Can have unlimited Common, Uncommon, Rare, Very Rare, and Legendary traits.
Does not include Minor Powers, Major Powers, or Alternate forms.
"Used in the creation of new life on Solaria"
- Currently Unobtainable
Legendary Scroll of Feather Offerings
Category: Species - Buff Scrolls
Species - Buff Item - Soulbound
Grants both of the following buff and debuff to a character:
Legendary Rare Offerings:
Grants the following additional table roll on Legendary Feather Offering quests:
Legendary Fae Repellant:
The character with this debuff cannot use the 'Legendary Feather Fae' in quests.
"A neatly tied scroll that was given in place of a feather you offered. It seems to provide you with additional luck when placing Legendary feathers..."
The Legendary Scroll of Feather Offerings can be obtained from Legendary Feather Offerings.
When you obtain a "Legendary Scroll of Feather Offerings" there are some steps you must take to apply the buff to a character:
- Go to your Claims tab and click on 'New Claim'
- Then, click on the character who you want the buff attached on to from your characters. You will then copy the URL to input on the claim's URL section.
- You must then click on 'Add-Ons' and attach the Legendary Scroll of Feather Offerings
- Submit the claim. If all is well, your claim will be accepted within 1-5 days of submission!
Only after the buff has been attached and the submission has been approved will you be able to use your new buff on your character.
You can read more about perma buffs and how to use them in the Perma Buff Guide
- Obtainable from the Legendary variant of the Feather Offerings quest
Legendary Stone
Category: Species - Trait Items
Grants a Kiamara one Legendary Trait. This trait cannot be a Major Power or Alternate form.
"Used for granting Solarian Kiamara's new traits"
- Obtainable when using Bubs in a quest.
Leon the Lyonsaur Box
Category: Bags and Boxes
Bags and Boxes
Open to find a new friend!
- Obtainable from the Affinity Faire 2022 Box
Leonidas' Lost Document
Category: Reagents
Reagents - Soulbound
"It looks like this is one of the pages that Leonidas lost. Better check to see if there's more around to hand back to him before Elijah realises there's missing pages of the ledger."
- Obtainable from using Lost Letter in quests.
Lesser Horn Growth Powder
Category: Species - Trait Items
Species - Consumable
Grants a character the Slightly Larger Horns trait.
"It seems that with all the hard elbow grease you put into keeping your home tidy, that extra keratin has to go somewhere! Your horns seem a little larger than before.
- Obtainable from the Standard 'Spring Cleaning' Reward from Make Your House A Home in the Pandrean Library.