
<a href="" class="display-item">Mythic 'Grunnling Egg' Stone - Quest Raffle Ticket</a>

Mythic 'Grunnling Egg' Stone - Quest Raffle Ticket

Category: Event


      Event - Soulbound
Raffle ticket for the chance to win a Mythic 'Grunnling Egg' Stone

You can obtain one of these raffle tickets by completing the quest 'A Worrying Situation'. 
You can obtain multiple of these raffle tickets per person.
This raffle will be rolled once Erisicthon has either been defeated, or Elijah calls for the evacuation.
This item must be opened in order to be added to the raffle!


<a href="" class="display-item">Mythic 'Grunnling Egg' Stone - Raffle Ticket</a>

Mythic 'Grunnling Egg' Stone - Raffle Ticket

Category: Event


      Event - Soulbound
Raffle ticket for the chance to win a Mythic 'Grunnling Egg' Stone

You can obtain one of these raffle ticket from the Manahunters Supply Stall. 
This raffle will be rolled once the event has finished.
This item must be opened in order to be added to the raffle!


<a href="" class="display-item">Mythic Camilk</a>

Mythic Camilk

Category: Species - Trait Items

      Species - Consumable - Soulbound
Grants a Dromedairy one Mythic Trait

"Can grant a Dromedairy any Mythic Trait."

- Obtainable from quests

<a href="" class="display-item">Mythic Character Certificate</a>

Mythic Character Certificate

Category: Event

      Event - Soulbound
You can only use one Mythic Character Certificate once-every-three-months. 
This item allows the user to obtain a Common pre-made character.

Available Characters:
Mythic Kiamaras and Dromedairies Available

Don't see any you like? Or there's none available? No problem!
This file will be periodically updated so you can either save this item until one catches your eye, or you can sell the item to Sal for some credits!
If there are no characters in the folder; we will be working on updating them as soon as possible!
How to Redeem

These characters are handed out first come, first served.
If someone puts a claim in before you for the same character, it will go to them and the item will be returned to you for you to choose another!
To redeem one of the characters in the above 'Available Characters' folder, you must do the following:

  1. Go to your Claims tab and click on 'New Claim'
  2. Then, in the 'URL' section, copy and paste the link of the character you wish to redeem. Please ensure this is the correct link as you are unable to swap the characters after they have been redeemed.
  3. You must then click on 'Add-Ons' and attach this item to your claim.
  4. Submit the claim. If all is well, your claim will be accepted within 1-3 days of submission and the character transferred to you.


<a href="" class="display-item">Mythic Feathers</a>

Mythic Feathers

Category: Feathers

      Feathers - Soulbound
Grants your Kiamara a feather of Mythic rarity.

"Your Kiamara has beaten the feather trial to find some feathers!"

- Obtainable from the quests found in the Newcomers Hut

<a href="" class="display-item">Mythic Scroll of Feather Offerings</a>

Mythic Scroll of Feather Offerings

Category: Species - Buff Scrolls

      Species - Buff Item - Soulbound
Grants both of the following buff and debuff to a character:

Mythic Offerings:
Grants the following additional table roll on Mythic Feather Offering quests:


Mythic Fae Repellant:
The character with this debuff cannot use the 'Mythic Feather Fae' in quests.





"A neatly tied scroll that was given in place of a feather you offered. It seems to provide you with additional luck when placing Mythic feathers..."

Item Useage:

The Mythic Scroll of Feather Offerings can be obtained from Mythic Feather Offerings.

When you obtain a "Mythic Scroll of Feather Offerings" there are some steps you must take to apply the buff to a character:

  1. Go to your Claims tab and click on 'New Claim'
  2. Then, click on the character who you want the buff attached on to from your characters. You will then copy the URL to input on the claim's URL section. 
  3. You must then click on 'Add-Ons' and attach the Mythic Scroll of Feather Offerings
  4. Submit the claim. If all is well, your claim will be accepted within 1-5 days of submission!

Only after the buff has been attached and the submission has been approved will you be able to use your new buff on your character.

You can read more about perma buffs and how to use them in the Perma Buff Guide

- Obtainable from the Mythic variant of the Feather Offerings quest


<a href="" class="display-item">Mythical Day 2023 Box</a>

Mythical Day 2023 Box

Category: Bags and Boxes


      Bags and Boxes - Soulbound
Gives you a guaranteed mimic and the possibility of up to two collectables from the table below

" Today is Chim's Birthday! Join us in wishing her a wonderful day! Thank you for all the hard work you do for us all!"

- Obtainable from the General Store on Mythical Day

<a href="" class="display-item">Mythical Dromedairy MYO Tablet</a>

Mythical Dromedairy MYO Tablet

Category: Species - MYO Items

      Species - MYO Items - Soulbound
Grants the user the ability to unlock a MYO Slot that allows you to choose any subtype, any colouration genes, any droma-specific traits, and any mythical traits.
The MYO also comes with the Soulbound buff upon creation. 
When making your MYO, please mention in the design update which Soulbound buff you would like your MYO to have.

"It appears this tablet has engravings similar to that of the Mythical Stones Kiamaras can use... Strange!"

<a href="" class="display-item">Mythical MYO Potion</a>

Mythical MYO Potion

Category: Species - MYO Items


      Species - MYO Items - Soulbound
Grants the user the ability to create their own Mythical Kiamara
This MYO can have any trait imaginable. Unlimited traits. 

The MYO also comes with the Soulbound buff upon creation. 
When making your MYO, please mention in the design update which Soulbound buff you would like your MYO to have.

"It appears this tablet has engravings similar to that of the Mythical Stones Kiamaras can use... Strange!"

<a href="" class="display-item">Mythical Stone</a>

Mythical Stone

Category: Species - Trait Items

      Species - Consumable - Soulbound
Grants a Kiamara one Mythical Trait

"Used for granting Solarian Kiamaras a new trait"

- Currently Unobtainable

<a href="" class="display-item">N.D Participation Ribbon</a>

N.D Participation Ribbon

Category: Junk


"Handed out to Kiamaras who participated in the New Dawn 2022 event."

- Obtainable from the New Dawn 2022 Box

<a href="" class="display-item">Nebulot</a>


Category: Reagents

      Herbalism - Reagents

"These galactically-colored root vegetables take on the appearance of a small onion. We wish we could say their taste was out of the world, but alas that too is exactly like a small onion. Sadly, tears are also guaranteed once cutting this vegetable open. Seems like the colour is the only thing that's different about it!"

- Obtainable from the 'Living Off The Land' quest in the Chefs Guild.

<a href="" class="display-item">New Dawn 2022 Box</a>

New Dawn 2022 Box

Category: Bags and Boxes


      Bags and Boxes
Contains one item from New Dawn 2022

"A box of old New Dawn items! I wonder what is left in here..."

- Obtainable from G'Ma's Biscuit Tin

<a href="" class="display-item">New Dawn 2023 Box</a>

New Dawn 2023 Box

Category: Bags and Boxes


      Bags and Boxes
Guarantees a random item, collectable, or pet that was added for New Dawn 2023.

"Celebrate the second year of the calamity all over again!"

<a href="" class="display-item">New Dawn Egg</a>

New Dawn Egg

Category: Reagents

      Herbalism - Reagents

"A blue egg from a species of bird that only lays eggs during New Dawn. These eggs are perfect for making cookies!"

- Obtainable from quests in the New Dawn Stall

<a href="" class="display-item">New Dawn Reward Box</a>

New Dawn Reward Box

Category: Bags and Boxes


      Bags and Boxes

"Gus is once again here to grant you some wonderful rewards during New Dawn!"


Toggle Spoiler

NOTE: For some reason, the rewards for this box are not showing properly. The following rolls are correct: 

x4 Sun Cookies - 50% 

x6 Sun Cookies - 25%

x12 Sun Cookies - 10%

Latern Berry - 5%

Dusk Cookie - 5% 

Dusk Camilk - 5%


- Obtained from the New Dawn Stall!

<a href="" class="display-item">New Dawn Stall Box</a>

New Dawn Stall Box

Category: Bags and Boxes


      Bags and Boxes  - Soulbound
Open to obtain one of the following rewards!

"It seems that New Dawn has some goodies in store for you right out of the New Dawn Stall"

- Obtainable from using the 'New Dawn Chef' buff in Enhanced Quests

<a href="" class="display-item">Newcomer MYO Potion</a>

Newcomer MYO Potion

Category: Species - MYO Items


      Species - Consumable - Soulbound
Grants the user the ability to create their first Common Kiamara.
Must be done on this lineset only. 

"Given out by Serah to Newcomers, only usable by first-time Kiamara Owners."

- Obtainable from Serah's Tour Guide shack 


<a href="" class="display-item">Night's Day 2023 Box</a>

Night's Day 2023 Box

Category: Bags and Boxes


      Bags and Boxes - Soulbound
Gives you a guaranteed mimic and the possibility of up to two collectables from the table below

" Today is one of our wonderful Nursery Artists, Tru's, birthday! Happy birthday Tru, thank you for all the wonderful work you do!"

- Obtainable from the General Store on Night's Day

<a href="" class="display-item">Odd Flower</a>

Odd Flower

Category: Species - Breeding Items

      Species - Breeding Items - Soulbound
This item has two uses: 

When used in a Kiamara breeding:
Grants the following to all Kits in a breeding: 

+10 chance for the Heterochromia trait to pass, if either parent has it. 

+10 chance for the Lighter Pupil trait to pass, if either parent has it. 

+1 to all Very Rare Traits to pass

-7 chance for all Rare trait to pass. 

+5 chance for Very Rare Furless trait to pass to offspring if neither parent has the trait. 

+3 chance for Very Rare Furless trait to pass to offspring if either parent has the trait.

When used in a Dromedairy breeding:
Grants the following to all Calves in a breeding: 

+10 chance for the Single-Parent-Breeding colouration for the parents subtype to pass to offspring, regardless of if a parent has it or if it is not a single-parent breeding. 

+10 chance of a recessive gene becoming dominant, even if only one parent has the gene. 

-7 chance for all Rare colourations and traits to pass  

+1 to all Very Rare Colouration Traits to pass

+7 chance for the Very Rare Thunder Plane Subtype to pass to offspring if neither parent has the subtype.

+5 chance for the Very Rare Thunder Plane Subtype to pass to offspring if either parent has the subtype.

"A strange remnant of the rift in the Cerulean Forest... Maybe you picked it and forgot about it in your armour?"

- Obtainable from using the Rogue Fairytale Armour Set in an Enhanced Quest that you have set in the Cerulean Forest

1104 results found.