
<a href="" class="display-item">10th Anniversary Gift</a>

10th Anniversary Gift

Category: Bags and Boxes


      Bags and Boxes
On opening, you will receive the following mimics from the Guaranteed Rewards box

"Happy 10 year anniversary, everybody! These little mimics seem to be familiar... hmm...."

- Obtainable from the Pet Emporium from the 6th of August til the 1st of September 2022. 

<a href="" class="display-item">A Friendly Gift</a>

A Friendly Gift

Category: Bags and Boxes


      Bags and Boxes
Guarantees a random craftable mimic or buff pet from the table below.

"It seems as though the little critter you befriended has sent a friend to you! Who could be inside?"

- Obtainable from using the Fauna Manipulation Buff in Guild Quests.

<a href="" class="display-item">Affinity Faire 2022 Box</a>

Affinity Faire 2022 Box

Category: Bags and Boxes


      Bags and Boxes
Contains one item from Affinity Faire 2022

"A box of old Affinity Faire items! I wonder what is left in here..."

- Obtainable from G'Ma's Biscuit Tin

<a href="" class="display-item">Affinity Faire 2023 Box</a>

Affinity Faire 2023 Box

Category: Bags and Boxes


      Bags and Boxes
Guarantees a random item, collectable, or pet that was added for Affinity Faire 2023.

"Spread the love all year around!"

<a href="" class="display-item">Bag of Many Things</a>

Bag of Many Things

Category: Bags and Boxes


      Bags and Boxes
Guarantees a random collectable from the table below.
This does not include; Pride Flags, free-to-obtain collectables, craftable collectables, unique/personal collectables, or birthday box collectables.

"A bag that contains many things... what things could be inside?"

- Obtainable from using the Super Strength Buff in guild quests.

<a href="" class="display-item">Balloon Day 2022 Box</a>

Balloon Day 2022 Box

Category: Bags and Boxes


      Bags and Boxes
Gives you 1 random piece of gear or mimic from the table below.

" You find a note attached at the bottom of the letter written in an otherworldly script: 'Rex here: Balloon didn't know what to write for this but he is a quarter of a century old today! Birthdays are always a hard one for this admin, but he absolutely deserves everything he gets today, and we wanted to return some of that to you guys! His help in getting this website up and running, supporting Kiamaras for the past few years, and just being an overall great Admin, Husband, and Father, will always be appreciated and words cannot truly describe how much of a great human being this dude is. So let's make this old farts' day and wish him a Happy Birthday!'The letter seems to finish there. Who on earth are these people? Well, they're not here now, may as well open the box! "

- Obtainable from the General Store on Balloon Day and from G'Ma's Biscuit Tin

<a href="" class="display-item">Balloon Day 2023 Box</a>

Balloon Day 2023 Box

Category: Bags and Boxes


      Bags and Boxes - Soulbound
Gives you a guaranteed mimic and the possibility of up to two collectables from the table below

" Today is Balloonist's Birthday! Whilst you may not see him around much, he is always behind the scenes helping out in any way he can! Happy birthday, Balloonist!"

- Obtainable from the General Store on Balloon Day

<a href="" class="display-item">Biotech Bag</a>

Biotech Bag

Category: Bags and Boxes


      Bags and Boxes
Open this bag to obtain 1 Biotech reagent

"Your little friend seemed to have found this on your travels! Why not open it to find out what is inside... "

- Obtainable from using pets with a chance to obtain Biotech reagents in Quests. 

<a href="" class="display-item">Birthday Box</a>

Birthday Box

Category: Bags and Boxes


      Bags and Boxes
Guarantees a random collectable or pet from any previous birthday box.

"You're only as young as you feel and, with this box, you can feel those years all over again!"

<a href="" class="display-item">Blue Baked Goods Bundle</a>

Blue Baked Goods Bundle

Category: Bags and Boxes


      Bags and Boxes
Contains one item.

"It seems that Filo has managed to find a box!"

Obtainable by using Filo in quests.

<a href="" class="display-item">Box from the Coalescence</a>

Box from the Coalescence

Category: Bags and Boxes


      Bags and Boxes 
Gives you one of the following items.

" A box full of different items from the Super Summer Slam 2023 event! "

Obtained From:
Using the pet Tales of the Coalescence in any Enhanced quest
<a href="" class="display-item">Box of Cookies</a>

Box of Cookies

Category: Bags and Boxes


      Bags and Boxes
On opening, you will receive the following items.

"For your hard work, Felicity has decided to grant you a cookie that she made specifically for you!"

<a href="" class="display-item">Box of Cushions</a>

Box of Cushions

Category: Bags and Boxes


      Bags and Boxes
Gives you 1 random cushion from the rewards below:

"It seems as though some 'Maras loved the Odyssey Mimics so much, they made little cushions of them!"

- Obtainable from the Standard 'Chapter IV: Learning The Land' reward in the Odyssey questline in the Pandrean Library

<a href="" class="display-item">Box of Gus Potions</a>

Box of Gus Potions

Category: Bags and Boxes


      Bags and Boxes
33.3% chance of obtaining one of the following potions.

"Due to so many helpful 'Maras batch-cooking potions for Gus, he's having to sell some to make some room!"

- Obtainable from the Potion Emporium 

<a href="" class="display-item">Box of Illusions</a>

Box of Illusions

Category: Bags and Boxes


      Bags and Boxes
Guarantees a random mimic pet from the table below.

"It seems that these illusions have caught the eye of another trickster; the Mimic... I wonder what one you'll be given?"

- Obtainable from using the Illusion Manipulation Buff in either Guild Quests or Event Quests.

<a href="" class="display-item">Box of Leftovers</a>

Box of Leftovers

Category: Bags and Boxes


      Bags and Boxes - Soulbound
On opening, you will receive the following items.

"It appears that there were a few leftover items spread around during the celebrations. Whether this is the Giant Gus' doing, or some pranksters, Gug has packaged them up for you! Though, due to them not remembering what is inside, they will happily trad them to you for a doubloon!"


- Obtainable from Gug's Shack from the 1st of November until the 5th of November 2022.
- No Trade Value

<a href="" class="display-item">Box of Lost House Keys</a>

Box of Lost House Keys

Category: Bags and Boxes


      Bags and Boxes
Gives you 1 random fully-made keychain from the Possible Rewards below:

"It seems these keys have already been grouped together, perhaps yours is in here somewhere?

- Obtainable from the Enhanced 'Spring Cleaning' reward in the Make Your House A Home questline in the Pandrean Library

<a href="" class="display-item">Box of Pride 2022</a>

Box of Pride 2022

Category: Bags and Boxes


      Bags and Boxes
On opening, you will receive one of the following items:

"A bright, rainbow-coloured box! Sounds like something special is inside..."

- Obtainable from quests between the 27th of June - 12th of July, or using a Lampyre of Pride

<a href="" class="display-item">Box of Pride 2023</a>

Box of Pride 2023

Category: Bags and Boxes


      Bags and Boxes
On opening, you will receive one of the following items:

"A bright, rainbow-coloured box! Just like last year, it sounds like something special is inside..."

- Obtainable as a 5% drop from all quests between the 12th of June - 1st of July 

<a href="" class="display-item">Bundle of Scrap</a>

Bundle of Scrap

Category: Bags and Boxes


     Bags and Boxes
Contains mixed Fabric

"Great for crafting Plushies, if you know how to of course..."

- Obtainable from quests found at the Job Board

171 results found.