10th Anniversary Uncommon MYO Potion
Category: Species - MYO Items
Species - Consumable - Soulbound
Grants the user the ability to create their own Uncommon Kiamara
Can have unlimited Common and Uncommon traits
"Used in the creation of new life on Solaria, this MYO potion has been specially bottled for the 10th Anniversary!
- Obtainable from the General Store between the 6th of August 2022 and the 20th of August 2022.
Beach Dromedairy MYO Tablet
Category: Species - MYO Items
Species - MYO Items
Grants the user the ability to unlock a Beach Dromedairy MYO Slot
"It appears this tablet has the engravings of a beach on it! Warm to the touch."
- Obtainable from UNKNOWN
Dromedairy MYO Tablet - Grassland
Category: Species - MYO Items
Species - MYO Items
Grants the user the ability to unlock a Grassland Dromedairy MYO Slot
"Once combining all the fragment pieces together, the old Mana Runes within the stone come back to life once more. It seems this stone has the ability to create a new Dromedairy friend of the Grassland variety!"
- Obtainable from Crafting
Dromedairy MYO Tablet - Highland
Category: Species - MYO Items
Species - MYO Items
Grants the user the ability to unlock a Highland Dromedairy MYO Slot
"It appears this tablet has the engravings of a mountain on it! Feels cool to the touch."
- Obtainable from UNKNOWN
Dromedairy MYO Tablet - Sand
Category: Species - MYO Items
Species - MYO Items
Grants the user the ability to unlock a Sand Dromedairy MYO Slot
"It appears this tablet has the engravings of a desert on it! Holding onto it for too long will leave grains of sand absolutely everywhere!"
- Obtainable from UNKNOWN
Dromedairy MYO Tablet - Swamp
Category: Species - MYO Items
Species - MYO Items
Grants the user the ability to unlock a Swamp Dromedairy MYO Slot
"It appears this tablet has the engravings of a swamp on it! Holding onto it for too long causes mud to start dripping from it... Ew..."
- Obtainable from UNKNOWN
Dromedairy NMYO Potion
Category: Species - MYO Items
Species - MYO Items
Grants the user the ability to make their own Dromedairy breeding.
Only allows 1 calf.
Full rules on this slot can be found here.
"A potion that has been separated in half! This potion seems to be able to be drunk by two 'Droma... how strange. I wonder what would happen if they both drank it at the same time... Oh, or if they mixed it together! If they did that, there may even be enough for three 'Droma! Smells like Stiltonberry and Firecracker Fruit."
- Obtainable from the Potion Booth, General Store, Shard Bazaar, and quests.
Glowing Stasis Egg
Category: Species - MYO Items
Species - MYO Items
Grants the user to obtain a Stasis Kiamara MYO.
Can become up to Uncommon in rarity and traits are determined by RNG.
Read more about Stasis Kiamaras and how to get their traits rolled here.
"These stasis eggs have always been a mystery to Manahunters and those studying Biotech. These eggs go to families just like any other happy Kiamara couple or throuple, except they never hatch. The 'mara inside is still alive, supported by the egg, and development seems to be in a stasis. Some of these eggs are able to become fully-fledged Kias with the help of Mana Soul Tears, however not all of them do open. This one seems promising, however! "
- Obtainable from Crafting
Glowing Stasis Seed
Category: Species - MYO Items
Species - MYO Items
Grants the user to obtain a Stasis Dromedairy MYO.
Can become up to Rare in rarity, with traits and subtype determined by RNG.
Read more about Stasis Dromedairy and how to get their traits rolled here.
"These stasis seeds have only just started popping up recently, especially since the Blighted Outpost has become available for Manahunters to travel to. These seem to be found quite a lot around the building, suggesting that the outpost is where the majority of Stasis Seeds were kept. Why? Well, that's still to be found out about...
- Obtainable from Crafting
Kiamara NMYO Potion
Category: Species - MYO Items
Species - MYO Items
Grants the user the ability to make their own breeding.
Only allows 1 kit.
Full rules on this slot can be found here.
"A potion that has been separated in half! This potion seems to be able to be drunk by two 'Maras... how strange. I wonder what would happen if they both drank it at the same time... Oh, or if they mixed it together! If they did that, there may even be enough for three 'Maras! Smells like Grape Vine and Applen"
- Obtainable from the Potion Booth, General Store, Shard Bazaar, and quests.
Legendary Dromedairy Subtype MYO Tablet
Category: Species - MYO Items
Species - MYO Items
Grants the user the ability to unlock a MYO Slot that allows you to choose from one of the following subtypes:
Yeti, Lop, Supernova, Cosmic, Geode, Abyssal
Does not grant the Dromedairy any additional Legendary Traits.
"It appears this tablet has engravings similar to that of the Legendary Stones Kiamaras can use... Strange!"
- Obtainable from UNKNOWN
Legendary MYO Potion
Category: Species - MYO Items
Species - Consumable - Soulbound
Grants the user the ability to create their own Legendary Kiamara
Can have unlimited Common, Uncommon, Rare, Very Rare, and Legendary traits.
Does not include Minor Powers, Major Powers, or Alternate forms.
"Used in the creation of new life on Solaria"
- Currently Unobtainable
Microkia Cookie
Category: Species - MYO Items
Species - Consumable
Grants the user the ability to create a Microkiamara
You can find the current linesets here!
"Given out by G'Ma who seems to have an unlimited supply of these little kits!"
- Obtainable from the Pet Emporium
Minimilk Cookie
Category: Species - MYO Items
Species - Consumable
Grants the user the ability to create a Minimilk
You can find the current linesets here!
"Given out by G'Ma, who seems to have found a whole herd of them nearby waiting to go to their forever homes!"
- Obtainable from the Pet Emporium
Mythical Dromedairy MYO Tablet
Category: Species - MYO Items
Species - MYO Items - Soulbound
Grants the user the ability to unlock a MYO Slot that allows you to choose any subtype, any colouration genes, any droma-specific traits, and any mythical traits.
The MYO also comes with the Soulbound buff upon creation.
When making your MYO, please mention in the design update which Soulbound buff you would like your MYO to have.
"It appears this tablet has engravings similar to that of the Mythical Stones Kiamaras can use... Strange!"
Mythical MYO Potion
Category: Species - MYO Items
Species - MYO Items - Soulbound
Grants the user the ability to create their own Mythical Kiamara
This MYO can have any trait imaginable. Unlimited traits.
The MYO also comes with the Soulbound buff upon creation.
When making your MYO, please mention in the design update which Soulbound buff you would like your MYO to have.
"It appears this tablet has engravings similar to that of the Mythical Stones Kiamaras can use... Strange!"
Newcomer MYO Potion
Category: Species - MYO Items
Species - Consumable - Soulbound
Grants the user the ability to create their first Common Kiamara.
Must be done on this lineset only.
"Given out by Serah to Newcomers, only usable by first-time Kiamara Owners."
- Obtainable from Serah's Tour Guide shack
Rare MYO Potion
Category: Species - MYO Items
Species - Consumable
Grants the user the ability to create their own Rare Kiamara
Can have unlimited Common, Uncommon, and Rare traits
"Used in the creation of new life on Solaria"
- Obtainable from the General Store, the Shard Bazaar, or Crafted
Uncommon MYO Potion
Category: Species - MYO Items
Species - Consumable
Grants the user the ability to create their own Uncommon Kiamara
Can have unlimited Common and Uncommon traits
"Used in the creation of new life on Solaria"
- Obtainable from the General Store, the Shard Bazaar, or can be Crafted