Intense Spice Jam
Category: Reagents
"An incredibly delicious and sweet-tasting jam that is surprisingly used to season meats more than cakes. This is due to its incredibly spicy taste, which gives a beautiful flavor to meat such as Chimkin.
- Obtainable from Crafting
Inturos Key Fragment I
Category: Reagents
Combine with the other two pieces to form a one of a kind Item
"It appears this key has been broken in three."
Will be added in a future update.
Inturos Key Fragment II
Category: Reagents
Combine with the other two pieces to form a one-of-a-kind Item
"It appears this key has been broken in three."
Will be added in a future update.
Inturos Key Fragment III
Category: Reagents
Iron Ore
Category: Reagents
"Be wary of strangers carrying a large load of this ore on their hip! Iron tends to be used a lot within the Engineers guild, being one of the most common, yet most sought after ores for a wide range of products."
- Obtainable from the "Nuts and Bolts" quest in the Engineers Guild
Lady's Grace
Category: Reagents
Herbalism - Reagents
"A beautiful flower that grows in the harshest of environments. Whilst edible, if incorrectly prepared this plant can become a slow-acting poison that could take days, weeks, or even months to detect. By the time you show symptoms, it's already too late."
- Obtainable from the 'Living Off The Land' quest in the Chefs Guild.
Category: Reagents
"Lamberries grow along the rivers and harbors that surround Solaria. They appear to be two small currents that are joined together, almost peanut-like in shape. They have a sweet, yet salty, taste due to the waters they grow in."
- Obtainable from the "Salty Salvage" quest in the Engineers Guild.
Lamberry Jam
Category: Reagents
"G'mas' not-so-secret recipe. Made with love, sweetness, and a pinch of Lamberries from the harbour. Kenwood usually sends her over a batch of the fruit every weekend."
- Obtainable from Crafting
Lampyre Tears
Category: Reagents
Herbalism - Reagents
"A bottle full of Lampyre Tears. It's not known whether Lampyres can even cry and it is more likely that the liquid in this bottle actually refers to the fact the liquid shimmers like a Lampyre tail rather than someone upsetting one enough to encapsulate their tears."
- Obtainable from the Enhanced Reward of the 'Living Off The Land' quest in the Chefs Guild.
Large Magnet
Category: Reagents
Reagents - Soulbound
"It seems this magnet was positively attracted to you!"
- Obtainable as a possible Enhanced reward from the "Nuts and Bolts" quest in the Engineers Guild.
Leonidas' Lost Document
Category: Reagents
Reagents - Soulbound
"It looks like this is one of the pages that Leonidas lost. Better check to see if there's more around to hand back to him before Elijah realises there's missing pages of the ledger."
- Obtainable from using Lost Letter in quests.
Lesser Mana Soul
Category: Reagents
The Lesser Mana Soul is a small creature seemingly made of pure mana. It is the life essence of the world with unknown origin and its usage can be comparable to that of a cat; it will only do what it wants, not what you tell it to. Lesser Mana Souls are easier to work with due to their nieve nature, with most doing whatever they are asked should the other ask with kindness and respect. If the other lacks either, it has the chance of turning into a Corruptling, many who have found the Wrathion Woods as a homeland.
"Awww look at the little guy! Aren't they so cute?!"
Lung Leaf
Category: Reagents
"A type of vine that seemingly has spread throughout the Filing Room in the Blighted Outpost. Whilst this leaf has no taste, it often smells dank and dusty: potentially a deterrent to keep people away from it. The Manahunter's Guild has named it 'Lung Leaf' due to this plant seemingly inflating and deflating rhythmically, and often letting out a puff of air should it be punctured or picked. We're still not sure as to why..."
- Obtainable from the 'Technical Advancements' quest in the Manahunter's Guild.
Malt of Medusa
Category: Reagents
"Side note: No Medusa's were harmed in the making of this product."
- Obtainable from Crafting
Mana Soul
Category: Reagents
When a Lesser Mana Soul has lived in Solaria for a while, its wisdom transforms it into a Mana Soul. These creatures have begun to learn about emotions and society, wanting to become helpful to those around them. Most individuals in Solaria use Mana Souls to craft pets, giving the Mana Soul a body perfect for their destined tasks. It's during this time that Mana Souls are also most vulnerable with them being all the more likely to become either a Corruptling if treated badly, or a Lost Mana Soul if they do not find a way of being helpful. There are short stories about Mana Souls learning about their emotions and how to help themselves to help teach young Calves and Kits about their own emotions.
"A helpful little critter these fellas are, I know they've been very helpful making lots of Slimes recently!"
Mana Soul Tears
Category: Reagents
"It appears that some Mana Souls do cry! Though, crying isn't the right way to put it. These 'Tears' are simply residue left behind by the little sprites that seem to have energetic properties attached to them, with the name coming from the fact only very happy Mana Souls can discard them. I wonder what it can be used for?"
- Obtainable from the 'Attunement' quest in the Manahunter's Guild
Manahunter's Treasure Map
Category: Reagents
Can be used in any Manahunter's Quest to obtain the following item:
"A map that takes you to a hidden Manahunter's cache to obtain some supplies. They're always moving the cache, though, so grab it before it goes elsewhere!"
- Obtainable from the Manahunters Guild Shop (TBA)
Map Fragment A:1
Category: Reagents
Combine all 16 Fragments to complete the set
"This is but 1 of 16 different map fragments. Complete the set and collect your reward"
- Obtainable from the Fragment Box
Map Fragment A:2
Category: Reagents
Combine all 16 Fragments to complete the set
"This is but 1 of 16 different map fragments. Complete the set and collect your reward"
- Obtainable from the Fragment Box
Map Fragment A:3
Category: Reagents
Combine all 16 Fragments to complete the set
"This is but 1 of 16 different map fragments. Complete the set and collect your reward"
- Obtainable from the Fragment Box