
<a href="" class="display-item">16 GB Ram</a>

16 GB Ram

Category: Quest Consumables

      Quest Consumable
Guarantees an extra roll on Standard Reward entries only for the quests 'Salty Salvage' and 'Nuts and Bolts' in the Engineers Guild

"A standard stick of ram that seems compatible with most Inturosian motherboards."

- Obtainable from the quest 'Nuts and Bolts' in the Engineers Guild

<a href="" class="display-item">32 GB Ram</a>

32 GB Ram

Category: Quest Consumables

      Quest Consumable
Guarantees an extra roll on Enhanced Reward entries only for the quests 'Salty Salvage' and 'Nuts and Bolts' in the Engineers Guild

"A better stick of ram that seems compatible with most Inturosian motherboards."

- Obtainable from the quest 'Nuts and Bolts' in the Engineers Guild

<a href="" class="display-item">Amethyst Dagger</a>

Amethyst Dagger

Category: Quest Consumables


      Quest Consumable
Usable in the quest 'Gearing Up'

"A dagger that is made of a large purple crystal and simple wooden handle. Looks more ornamental than to be used in a fight."


<a href="" class="display-item">Aqua Staff</a>

Aqua Staff

Category: Quest Consumables


      Quest Consumable
Usable in the quest 'Gearing Up'

"A staff that is able to shoot water bolts. Does not grant power and the crystal is depleted."


<a href="" class="display-item">Autumn Seasoning</a>

Autumn Seasoning

Category: Quest Consumables

      Quest Consumable - Soulbound
Allows you to obtain 1 autumn seasonal harvest when written/drawn in the quest 'Living Off The Land' in place of a current-season harvest.
"Has the ability to keep autumn herbalism reagents fresh all year round!"

Guaranteed Rewards:
Guarantees 1 of the following when drawn/written about in your quest entry: 

- Obtainable from the Chef's Guild Shop during the autumn

<a href="" class="display-item">Bioluminescent Salt</a>

Bioluminescent Salt

Category: Quest Consumables

      Quest Consumable
Guarantees an extra roll from Standard entries on quests from the Manahunters Guild

"Harvested from Salt Mines deep under Solaria, nobody knows why it glows."

- Obtainable from Crafting 

<a href="" class="display-item">Bird Whistle</a>

Bird Whistle

Category: Quest Consumables

     Quest Consumable
Can be attached to Quests in order to receive extra rewards

"This small, wooden whistle perfectly imitates a Corakeet! Maybe one will come to you?"


- Obtainable from Gug's Shack

<a href="" class="display-item">Blue Cloud Bread</a>

Blue Cloud Bread

Category: Quest Consumables

      Quest Consumable
50% chance to obtain Bewwy when using this item in a quest.

"A delicious and delicate loaf of bread made out of egg whites and sugar. These loaves are soft and sweet, usually used in place of a cake or dessert. This loaf is Sea Salt flavour."

Possible Rewards:

- Obtainable from the Enhanced Reward of the 'Living Off The Land' quest in the Chefs Guild.

<a href="" class="display-item">Blue Spiced Applen Muffin</a>

Blue Spiced Applen Muffin

Category: Quest Consumables

      Quest Consumable
Grants a 15% chance of obtaining 5 Sacks of Sugar from any quest. 
Cannot stack muffins with the same case on the same quest entry.
Can be used with other muffins on the same quest entry.

"It appears this Cinnecone Applen muffin is so full of sugar, it's given your character a sugar rush! They have only one thing on their mind; finding more sugar!"

Possible Rewards:

- Obtainable from crafting

<a href="" class="display-item">Book Worm</a>

Book Worm

Category: Quest Consumables

      Quest Consumable - Soulbound
When used in any quest, it has the chance to drop one of the following:

"A cute little Book Worm has made its home within this novel. The novel seems to be the property of the Pandrean Library though... I wonder if we can get any book tokens for this?

Possible Rewards:


- Obtainable as a bonus reward from the quest 'Technical Advancements' in the Manahunter's Guild.

<a href="" class="display-item">Brass Spyglass</a>

Brass Spyglass

Category: Quest Consumables

      Quest Consumable - Reagent
20% Chance of gaining a Salvaging Bag from any quest. Used in crafting.

"You look through the spyglass and you see something in the distance! The spyglass is flimsy and breaks easily, so quickly jot down the coordinates! Hopefully, you'll find treasure!"

Possible Rewards:

- Obtainable from Crafting

<a href="" class="display-item">Bubbling Bait</a>

Bubbling Bait

Category: Quest Consumables

      Quest Consumable
Can be stacked up to 3 times per quest.
Chance at receiving one of the following rewards from any quest:

"Gotta catch em' all!"

Possible Rewards:

- Obtainable from Crafting 

<a href="" class="display-item">Cat Trap</a>

Cat Trap

Category: Quest Consumables

      Quest Consumable - Soulbound
Gives you the chance of obtaining a cat mimic, or the Cardboard Box to try again.
"An invention by a Kiamara called Khelina! It is a Cat Trap. The ball of yarn is used to attract cats from afar and, once they're in the box, there's a chance you'll catch them. Plus, they have a ball to play with."

Possible Rewards:
Guarantees 1 of the following when used in your quest entry:

- This item was designed by the user Daiyachiri
- Obtainable by

<a href="" class="display-item">Cerulean Dagger</a>

Cerulean Dagger

Category: Quest Consumables


      Quest Consumable
Usable in the quest 'Gearing Up'

"A dagger that is made of a large blue crystal and simple wooden handle. Looks more ornamental than to be used in a fight."


<a href="" class="display-item">Charged Magnet</a>

Charged Magnet

Category: Quest Consumables

      Quest Consumable - Soulbound
When used in any quest, you can obtain 6 metal ores or alloys.

"A charged magnet? Let's hope they can help pull out some metals!"

Possible Rewards::

You will receive 6 of the following ores or alloys.
Each has a 14.3 chance of dropping, with the potential of all 6 items being the same ore.


- Obtainable from Crafting

<a href="" class="display-item">Cheese and Nebulot Pasty</a>

Cheese and Nebulot Pasty

Category: Quest Consumables

      Quest Consumable
Gives a chance at obtaining a Companion Cage (Cheese and Nebulot Pasty) when used in any quest.
Stackable up to 2 times per quest. 

"A wonderfully fragrant pasty that has strong tones of cheese and a gentle touch of Nebulot, leaving many mouths watering and wanting for more! A favourite to cheesy pets and rettis."

Possible Rewards:

- Obtainable from Crafting

<a href="" class="display-item">Chef's Muffin</a>

Chef's Muffin

Category: Quest Consumables

      Quest Consumable
Reduces the number of reagents needed to be submitted for the quest 'Taste Tester' in the Chefs Guild by 1 when using this item. 
Does not stack. 

"A tangy tomato-based sponge that, whilst using a fruit that is often savoury, has a very sweet taste. The icing is made from Friendelion Camilk mixed with chunks of fire stone for a warming taste. ."

- Obtainable as a possible drop from using Junior Baker in quests.

<a href="" class="display-item">Chefs' Stone</a>

Chefs' Stone

Category: Quest Consumables

      Quest Consumable
Grants an additional roll of the loot table from the 'Living Off The Land' quest in the Chefs' Guild.
Does not stack. 

"A small pebble that a Mana Kit seems to have brought in as a little present for you! It seems this can be used at the Chefs' Guild!"

- Obtainable as a possible drop from using Mana Kit in any quests.

<a href="" class="display-item">Chocolate Cloud Bread</a>

Chocolate Cloud Bread

Category: Quest Consumables

      Quest Consumable
50% chance to obtain Cacao when using this item in a quest.

"A delicious and delicate loaf of bread made out of egg whites and sugar. These loaves are soft and sweet, usually used in place of a cake or dessert. This loaf is Chocolate flavour."

Possible Rewards:

- Obtainable from the 'Living Off The Land' quest in the Chefs Guild in 2024

<a href="" class="display-item">Chocolate Lamberry Sponge Cake</a>

Chocolate Lamberry Sponge Cake

Category: Quest Consumables

     Quest Consumable
Can be attached to Quests in order to receive extra rewards

"A beautifully crafted 'Sponge' cake that takes it's name a little bit too seriously. If you leave it out, maybe a Lampyre will come along! Or it could go mouldy... either way, better to try eh?" 

Possible Rewards:
Currently Obtained From:
This item can be obtained via crafting


86 results found.