Amethyst Chunk
Category: Junk
"Ever since the rifts appeared, these gemstones have gained in popularity after resembling them!"
- Obtainable from Old Collectors Bags
Antique Necklace
Category: Junk
"With a beauty like this around your neck, you're sure to attract some attention at the next Affinity Faire"
- Obtainable from Old Collectors Bags
Antique Ring
Category: Junk
"Passed through generations of a Solarian family, this ring has somehow made it's way to you"
- Obtainable from Old Collectors Bags
Antique Vase
Category: Junk
"This stunning mid century piece will be the talk of the table at your next dinner party"
- Obtainable from Old Collectors Bags
Blue Foil Egg
Category: Junk
Broken Broom
Category: Junk
"The head of a brand-new broom. Maybe someone accidentally broke their costume?"
- Obtainable from Hearth Fire Baskets or the Daily Treat Basket
Broken Compass
Category: Junk
"It looks as though this item seems to be of no use, not even to sal... Maybe you could get some credits for it though!"
- Obtainable from the Lost Chest
Category: Junk
"A rather peculiar stone to have found its way into Solaria. This piece of a precious stone is made up of elements, not of this world, but other than its looks it's pretty useless..."
- Obtainable from Old Collectors Bags
Candy Corn
Category: Junk
"A single candy corn. That's it. That's all it is. Doesn't taste like much and may as well be worthless."
- Obtainable from Hearth Fire Baskets or the Daily Treat Basket
Clover Coin
Category: Junk
"A regular Clover Coin. Sal will take these from you if you'd like."
Depleted Soul Sphere
Category: Junk
"It appears this Soul Sphere is completely used up."
Will be added in a future quest
Discount Card
Category: Junk
Junk - Vendor - Soulbound
Selling this to Sal gives plenty of credits.
"Sal only offers these VIP cards to the most loyal of customers. If you manage to obtain one, make sure you get good use out of it."
- Obtainable from Crafting
Dusty Book
Category: Junk
Currency - Soulbound
Gives you a random amount of Book Tokens.
"It appears that someone must have forgotten about this book for quite a while; it's absolutely covered in dust!"
- Obtainable from the Standard 'Chapter IV: Learning The Land' reward in the Oddysey questline in the Pandrean Library
Empty Chest
Category: Junk
"An empty box. Perhaps there was once a treasure in here that has long since gone? Well, maybe sal could have some use of this?"
- Obtainable from the Lost Chest
Flag Fragment
Category: Junk
"It seems someone has ruined another flag from The Kingfisher... Better go turn this into Sal!"
- Obtainable from the Lost Chest
Forgotten Crown
Category: Junk
"A High King once ruled over Solaria. And this is his crown. A replica version anyway, the real one is worth waaay more"
- Obtainable from Old Collectors Bags
Fruit Candy Loop
Category: Junk
"A shiny smooth hard candy ring. Has a raspberry flavour!"
- Obtainable from Hearth Fire Baskets or the Daily Treat Basket
Gold Dust
Category: Junk
"Small specks of gold collected in a jar! This could be very valuable for Sal, maybe see what he will take for it at his Trade Shack?"
- Obtainable from the Lost Chest
Green Foil Egg
Category: Junk