Waxed Glove

Waxed Glove

No trade value

      Species - Revamp Item - Stackable
Allows the user to remove 1 feather trait from a Kiamara or Dromedairy and receive the appropriate Dull Feather variant in return. 

"A wax-covered glove that seems to be able to remove a feather from a 'Mara or Droma without turning it to Phoenix Dust. It seems to have lost its lustre, though."

How To Use:
Like most revamp items, they must be used during Design Updates only and cannot be used via the claim system. 
When revamping your Kiamara or Dromedairy, if you wish to receive a dull feather for one of the feather traits currently attached to it, you would need to remove the trait from the character and apply this item to your design update. 
If you wish to remove more than one feather trait, you must use more than one Waxed Glove to do so.
Once approved, you will receive the quest consumable variant of the feather which can be used in the Feather Offerings quests. 

NOTE: This item cannot be used to remove common feathers from characters and can only be used on characters if they will not become featherless from removing the trait. 
You can use an additional feather on your character at the time of removal to combat this.

- Obtainable from the Trade Shack