Dawn of a New Year Box

Dawn of a New Year Box

Category: Bags and Boxes

No trade value


      Bags and Boxes  - Soulbound
Open to obtain one of the following rewards!

"It seems that New Dawn has some goodies in store for you!"

NOTE: The 'Loot When Opened' tab isn't showing all the rewards. Whilst we get this bug looked into, here is the list of things you can obtain: 
x1 Sun Cookie at 25%, x3 Sun Cookies at 25%, x5 Sun Cookies at 10%, x7 Sun Cookies at 15%, a Lantern Berry at 15%

- All quest entries drawn with a ‘Mara or Droma eating or holding sun cookies will have a 45% chance of obtaining this item whilst the buff 'Dawn of a New Year' is active.

Loot when opened