Lady’s GraceChari Venenumflora


Common name:
Lady’s Grace

Scientific name:
Chari Venenumflora

Natural Environment:
Lady’s Grace is an elegant, pastel-colored flower native to the rich rocky slopes of Stone Hill. This flower is able to grow in the harshest conditions, from high winds to relentless rain storms. 

Physical Description:
The petals boast a rich creamy hue, while its leaves and stems give a more natural olive color. 

Interesting Facts:
Even though Lady’s Grace is a flower it’s in fact edible, it’s used in a variety of different recipes. However, if it’s prepared incorrectly the plant acts as a lethal poison that can go undiscovered for days, weeks, or even months. By the time symptoms are present it’s far too late to reverse any damage done. 

Chari - Meaning Grace in Greek, also in reference to the beauty of the flower.

Venenum - Means Poison/Poisonous in Latin, references how deadly the flower can be.

Flora - Meaning flower.

Location Found In

Towns: Stonehill

Associated Items:

Species - Breeding Items: Graceful Lagoon Juice and Graceful Mousse

Species - Trait Items: Fish Oil Paw Balm

Recipes: Recipe - V:4.53