StiltonberryKremabacca Lofoi
Common name:
Scientific name:
Kremabacca Lofoi
Natural Environment:
The Stiltonberry is blue and cream in color. It is native to the region of Stonehill, which has large, steep rocky hills. The berries grow on bushes scattered around the area. Due to their unique pungent smell, they are easy to identify.
Physical Description:
This berry is a soft creamy color, with delicate blue hues swirls dancing across its surface. Its stem is a deep blue color, contrasting with the lighter colors of the berry’s skin. The bushes it grows on are a more natural green color, blending in well with the nature of Stonehill.
Interesting Facts:
The Stiltonberry is another flora that can be used in foods, however, the berry itself has a unique yet pungent smell and a very interesting flavor. It can be used along with sugar to make a Caramelised Stiltonberry.
Krema - Meaning cream in Greek, refers to the coloration of the berry.
Bacca - Meaning berry in Latin.
Lofoi - Meaning hills in Greek, refers to the environment the berry grows.
Associated Items:
Reagents: Blue Ink
Quest Consumables: Leftovers
Species - Trait Items: Caramelised Stiltonberry and Delicious Caramelised Stiltonberry