ApplenNkremosfructus dulce
Common name:
Scientific name:
Nkremosfructus dulce
Natural Environment:
The Applen is a very sweet and delicate fruit that is dappled in different pink and purple hues with its signature white swirl. It thrives along the towering cliff edges of Lilika Overlook, a region known for its steep edges and winding ravines. The fruit grows on strong orchards that root along the cliff sides.
Physical Description:
It has a light pink and purplish skin with darker purple dapples on the side and a white swirl in the very center. However, the inside is a much darker purple.
Interesting Facts:
Many Maras enjoy its sweet taste and delicate spiciness that adds a touch of heat. This fruit is used in many different dishes, from popsicles and jello to curries, muffins, and tasty bite-sized treats. No matter the dish it adds a unique touch to all kinds of recipes.
Nkremos - meaning cliff in Greek
Fructus - meaning fruit in Latin.
Dulce - meaning sweet in Latin.
Associated Items:
Species - Breeding Items: Snack Box
Quest Items: Applen Core
Species - Trait Items: Roasted Applen and Ice Cream
Quest Consumables: Green Spiced Applen Muffin, Blue Spiced Applen Muffin, and Pink Spiced Applen Muffin