PumpkinCucurbita pepo


Common name:

Scientific name:
Cucurbita pepo

Natural Environment:
Pumpkins are resilient and hardy, adding them to the group of plants that can grow almost anywhere. Pumpkins are commonly found in various farmlands. These can be found in the capital city of Pandrea, the rocky cliffs of Lilika Overlook, and the sandy waterways of Lakeview. 

Physical Description:
A pumpkin is a wide and heavy, golden orange fruit that is used in a variety of different ways. When Hearth Fire is in season these fruits can go from looking normal to having more frightening appearances with the different carvings shaped into their skin. 

Interesting Facts:
Pumpkins are used for a variety of treats, foods, and fun activities. They are most popular during Hearth Fire, when everyone gathers around for fun festivities, like Pumpkin carving or Pumpkin carving contests. Pumpkins are also used for tasty pumpkin pies! Pumpkins happen to be the same species as the popular Perfect Pumpkin; however, the Perfect Pumpkin is the better produce of the two.

Cucurbita pepo - Refers to the actual scientific name for a Pumpkin.

Locations Found In

City: Pandrea

Villages: Lilika Overlook and Lakeview

Associated Items:

Species - Trait Items: Pumpkin's Harvest

Reagents: Perfect Pumpkin

Recipes: Recipe - Gourdlings and Recipe - Surprise Jack-O-Lantern

Species - Breeding Items: Slice of Pumpkin Pie