LamberryPurpurea Saldulce


Common name:

Scientific name:
Purpurea Saldulce

Natural Environment:
Lamberries thrive along the various glistening rivers and bustling harbors throughout Solaria. Their vibrant clusters add a splash of color to the serene riverbanks and lively waterfront markets where traders gather to exchange goods.  

Physical Description:
These berries are always in a duo, almost shaped like a peanut. They are a vibrant magenta-like color, and each cluster of berries is surrounded by light green leaves. However, if found in Bootleg Bog these berries tend to be more purple in color. 

Interesting Facts:
These berries are sweet and salty in taste due to the surrounding waters they grow in.  These berries can be used for a few recipes, those being Lamberry Jam and Lamberry Chocolate Sponge Cake. However, any berries found in Bootleg Bog are a lot more salty than sweet due to the algae-infested waters they grow in. Making them more common snacks for pirates that visit the area. 

Purpurea - Meaning purple/magenta in Latin, refers to the berry's color.

Sal - Meaning salt in Latin, refers to the berry’s salty taste.


Dulce - Meaning sweet in Latin, refers to the berries also having a sweet taste. 

Associated Items:

Reagents: Lamberry Jam

Quest Consumables: Chocolate Lamberry Sponge Cake