Elf-EarXotiko Ampelos


Common name:

Scientific name:
Xotiko Ampelos

Natural Environment:
Elf-Ear is a pale green plant that is very commonly found along the different pathways of Solaria. Any path you walk down there’s a good chance you’ll stumble upon one of these plants. Many farmers and gardeners consider this plant a weed. 

Physical Description:
This plant has a soft pale green hue mixed in with dark hues of green. It has long stems that sometimes snake over the pathways causing Maras to trip over them. As well as long leaves shaped in a strange way. Its shape almost resembles a long pointy ear which is where it gets the name elf-ear. 

Interesting Facts:
Dromedairies tend to use this plant as a salad leaf, sometimes they even mix it with Friendelions. It can also be used for a variety of different dishes, a few of those dishes are Firecracker Fruit Cheese Poppers, Delicious Sandwich, Firecracker Fruit Salad, and much more! 

Xotiko - Meaning elf in Greek, refers to the way the plant has an elf ear shape.

Ampelos - Meaning vine in Greek, refers to the way the plant has long stems.