Librams are, for all intents and purposes, enchanted books that only act as if they are living creatures as a defense mechanism to ensure their pages do not get damaged. Librams are a new pet type that was first created by 'Maras before the Calamity event occurred. These books are often one-of-a-kind or original copies of novels or diaries that were deemed important enough to enchant by High Elders in Manabane, with only those High Elders knowing how the enchantment can be broken. Benji himself can be seen with his own Libram which he lovingly named Benny which appears to be an original copy of "Order and Chaos", the origin story of Solaria. There is word that unique Librams are scattered around Solaria, waiting to find their rightful owners.
A Libram, in its simplest form, is any type of book that has been enchanted. These books come with a variety of different covers and a vast number of pages and are both in paperback and hardback forms. The genres of these books can vastly differ, even having gossip magazines and newspapers becoming a Libram. The object that is enchanted must be able to be used as a book; with physical pages and things to either look at or read. For example, a stack of letters could become a libram should they be stapled together as they would be read like a book with turning pages, however a card from a loved one cannot become a libram due to it being a single piece of paper folded in half with no turnable pages. It doesn't matter what kind of material the words are written upon either; you could have pages made out of leaves as long as they were connected together, they could become a Libram.
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